(For those who do not know, there is a glitch that prevents bags of mesos from exploding, but still applies damage, thus allowing you to explode the same bag of mesos over and over without having to redrop) I would like to see if there is an update on this. I did my first Krex run on my shadower last night, and the glitch was fairly prominent. Of course, being a Shadower, when I noticed the bags not exploding (the animation not occurring), I had to risk touching the eye and dying in order to pick up a few bags to fix the bug. Happened a few times for each eye. Naturally, I didn't want to get banned for glitch abuse, so I stopped frequently in case the bags stopped exploding, and felt bad for jumping around costing my party members DPS by trying to fix a glitch. Any GM updates would be greatly appreciated. Also B> Assassinate 30
wouldnt looting the bags after using them actually make it more of a glitch abuse? if you dont want to glitch abuse just drop more bags every 2minutes or what ever. also i dont think they would ban you for glitch abuse just because you didnt go out of your way to actually avoid a glitch, especially if you report it. btw theres a section for reporting bugs: https://royals.ms/forum/forums/report-bug.41/
It has to do with the distance I believe, so if you drop and stand a bit closer to it they should explode.
Ok, I just messaged one of the GMs about this and now I came across this thread. It happens a lot. And it does indeed happen at zak and every other boss, last papu run I did it happened. Also, I've even triggered it with pickpocket on normal mobs and bosses. Seriously, pickpocket can even cause the bug. Basically, ME(meso explosion) is unusable right now if we run the risk of being banned for this. ME is the only skill a bandit will really use from lvl 80+. All of our lvling and bossing is done with it. Basically, the shadower class is unplayable right now if this is indeed ban material. Can a GM update us on the bug? I see this was posted in July..... I barely use my shadower anymore because of this, mostly just a FM shop mule. Not worth the ban. Started grinding leeching up a NL instead with my mage.
Yeah, please give us some leverage, such as only banning if someone's found to do it multiple times in a row, or habitually. I think this has happened a few times without my even recognizing it as such, because I'm still learning ME.
What should we do about this situation to avoid getting banned? This happens pretty frequently and it's kinda random.
So during krex runs if i find the glitch happening, i just drop more mesos and continue exploding until it goes back to normal and i wont get any glitch abuse/ban? Because same as omnom, im scared to die during the run. I dont really face the glitch in zak but i think i came across it during cwkpq boss, but that one i can easily pick up and redrop so not an issue there.
If it happens and you stop and redrop bags you shouldn't get banned. I assume if you're doing those bosses you've been bombing for a while- it's pretty easy to tell when your bags aren't going away and a lot of times to get the glitch to happen it's very intentional.
Is it OK if I don't exactly stop but I drop more bags to make up for it? I don't think I can sit for 3 mins and watch my PT attack. Will feel bad
You just pick up the bags and re-drop them. Assuming it's an accident it's unlikely you'll do it twice in a row.
Yes, we do intend to have a fix for this in the future, for now follow the advice already given in this thread.
through my experience you should have enough HP unwashed with meso guard theres also the new hp quest that makes it slightly more safe
I didn't wash and with meso shield, you should still be fine. Plus you don't really need to drop right on the eyes anyway
I get what youre saying evan, i thought so too until i came to this thread and read what Hampa said. and that got me thinking again Like repicking to fix the glitch, but also abuses mesos since you reuse them. And im asking because for new shads who are too scared to play because of fear of glitch ( they are low lvl and cant have enough hp to tank body touches yet ) @Blank also im unwashed and i only reached 5k at around lvl150, which means lvl120 i wont be able to tank bigfoot krex and zak easily i guess