Hey! I agree buccs need a buff but this is his dk thread. You should respond to the bucc feedback post. Also Royals uses GMS files, they will never change original nexon files. They wont give alchemist to other jobs because it was that way in GMS
Yep i never added int to my dk and i got 18750 at lvl 137, Just dropping the natural mp, into hp, got hp cap, i know Its easy to wash, and is not that expensive to fund, but im not asking a crazy buff, Just want to tank hits. A little bit better....
Hi, Dark Knight main here. Berserk is fine as is, bosses like Horntail and Zakum are jokes for a fully washed Dark Knight. My only complaint about the class is that its own skills don't stack with each other (Dragon's Blood, Hex, Iron Will). I've said it before and I'll say it again, it would be nice if these stacked with each other and with buffs from other classes (Rage and Bless). I think its dumb that buff skills become obsolete as you progress through the game.
Danman you are right Buffs thats stacks would make the game better since partybuffs like rage etc have a usage. Otherwise 50% of all skills from every classes is useless...
1.i agree with berserk being fine... My idea was buffing achiles a little bit from 0.5 to 1.5 per sp or even 1%Per sp is fine 2.Fully washed dk? Is there a way of have more than 30k hp for us? Hehehe. 3.about skills stack, i agree too, actually it seems nobody see thats my 2nd idea, and im pretty shure most ppl agreed with that..
Just edited, being a little more skillfull, and having maxed achiles, i noted that my original proposition of 45% less damge was waaay exagerated, but i still believe we should tank a little better so, i change it to 0.75% per sp, and pls TALK ABOUT THE SECOND PROPOSITION, everyone stayed with my ridiculous proposition of achiles, and nobody say anithing(well a few ppl do, but to little)about the skills stack with each other
I do agree there need to be changes to be made, im sure there will be another rebalance of things (touch up on classes, adjusting the unbalanced equips, items, quests...etc). Let us just leave it to the staff.
Just practice.. I remember the first times i went HT on my corsair and it seemed impossible to output decent dps throughout a run. I kept running and eventually got to 1 break per run, then 0 its just practice.. Don't ask for the game to be easier than it already is, JUST.. practice