Equips7 att 4 slots Black Fist Cloak c/o 1.2b @Carney a/w 1.5b SOLD 7 INT 7 M.Att (14 TMA) Work Glove c/o 260m @WolfXLord a/w 400m 22 INT Bathrobe (M) s/b 480m a/w 650m USE Inv. Ilbi Throwing Stars (36) 2m Lvl.90 Bullet (8) 1.5m Power Elixirs (10) 700k Elixirs (26) 300k Items will be sold after 48-hours since the last bid. I subject the right to reject any offers.
noted. selling soon 24h before glove sells. Cmon people offer more, im not even breaking even here lol.