Hello guys, I was banned for a week on forums and am now back. I missed out on so much but damn the memes were too good. Shoutout to @Cyraptor for reporting me. Sorry for the pic. Can I join Guild, the only guild named Guild in replacement of petard? And @Petard I love you man, hopefully you can find a way out. Don’t let @Yan tell you otherwise. Show him what’s up. I got more but fuck, I’m just exited to be back. To the ones I missed, you know who you are. And @Muff , if I’m getting warning points for this, you can give me according to the rules, but please keep this post up. Let me have my fucking day today! Lastly, I’M FUCKING BACK. (again)
Zofran I think you should stay low for time being. You had become a memes in Royals community, if a person had become a memes that's the worst thing ever.. Stop making any threads and post unnecessary to gain attention, that's my advice, you either create hate or likes in the community.. So yea @Don is different he had being in the community for many years and your just only months, you can't get immediate influence from the community unless you do some absurd thing and that would result with a punishment..
Sure thing. Just wanted to point out he's really brave, and all that. And nah, who cares about being the "superstar" of the forums?
I just remember us back in the day at the comedy store in LA and I was your waiter and you ordered 2 mozzarella sticks before your set, no marinara. I was so happy for you dude. You fucking did so amazing that night man, your first gig! After that you created your podcast and you get 500k+ views on youtube consistently. I hope you have me on one day. Since then, we started a ritual before every set to eat a mozzarella stick until our lips touched at the end of the stick. You've had amazing success since then, dude. I know youre working on the new movie, which is why youre so busy. And also the reason we haven't seen each other in so long. I hope you cast me on your new movie, man.