I just download MapleRoyals and i can't even start it :C i've tried almost everything.. I have windows 10 and a shitty laptop.
I have the same problem ;/. HP laptop as well here. Is there no way to play the game with an HP device? I have tried pretty much everything now including - changing compatibility -updating drivers -running as admin Hope there's a fix for this any time soon, I've been wanting to play an oldschool ms server. EDIT: I finally got the game to work again on an HP device, but the following fix only works if you have 2 or more screens. Right click an empty area on the Desktop, then click Screen Resolution. You can also find Screen Resolution from Windows Control Panel. In Screen Resolution click the picture of the display you want to be primary, then check the box "Make this my main display." This checkbox will only be present if the display is not already your main (primary) display. Press "Apply" to apply your change. Credits to forum user; "HaruHong"
I have the same problem with this shitty error. Laptop HP, Windows 10 and I tried everything I found on the forum... Any ideas?
I dl'd VMware Workstation 15 player, and having this issue. Havent found a fix yet Also uninstalled version 15 and downloaded the one from Tims guide, but still having same issue
Could you try out the method listed at this post? https://royals.ms/forum/threads/vmware-error.141373/#post-835017 And update does it works?
I tried it (only did #1 and updated all the suggestions that popped up when I checked for windows update) but I keep getting this when I try to install tools (http://tinyurl.com/y6fuzmhp) so I looked up cant install VMware tools on youtube which brought me to this video that I wanted to try what it said () but I cant seem to find the windows.iso file to open it and proceed with the rest of the video , unless it means to open the iso file that I downloaded from tims post, which I haven't tried yet.
You can find the old ISO's for the previous versions here : https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1036810 I had the same problem
of all the optionos did u dl x86? and do you have to download it while inside VMware or on my regular pc ?
Depends on what operating system your VMware is running on, x86 for 32bit, x64 for 64bit. I think you can check computer properties and it'll tell you. And you can download it anywhere, it automatically detected it for me. If not, you can tell VMWARE to directly go to the .iso through the CD drive.
as I seem to be blanking out right now, how do I check which OS my VMware is running again? I checked properties inside VMware but it only tells me windows XP (so im not sure atm if its 32 or 64bit
Its 32 then I'm 90% sure. You can try both tbh if it doesnt work, usually if you try to install an x64 on a 32bit OS it'll tell you that you can't.
I tried to download the x64 (the other one said it cant) but since Im on my regular pc it said it should be downloaded inside VMware only and so it stopped and said that the download was interrupted. any idea how I can get VMware to detect it ? or move the installation inside VMware, can I just drag the setup inside the VMware?
Spoiler Spoiler If it doesn't you have to manually link the file through the CD Drive so you can run it in VM. Spoiler Spoiler I just had it in my downloads folder, for example, and double clicked it from there.