To the amazing Blacklist stories and CWK community players out there.

Discussion in 'Community' started by Ghostie, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. Ghostie

    Ghostie Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
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    original blacklist post :

    edit **
    I will not engage them directly by replying as i am not here to win the convo with them but rather to point out the facts for their particular comments. I laid out an objective explanation on why i took 5 mon and still have 1 bonus despite only bringing 4 only chars.

    As you all can read, Carney is aware of my bonus split for the cwk run but twisted a new story and comments on rudeness/attitude instead and that i somehow lose bonus because i didn't ask nicely ... then proceeded to showing 1 sided SS to back his new baseless story and has shifted his focus on other not related runs and etc so that he does not look worst than current state. his blacklisting post has 0 credibility now.

    As for Mr Wang here, i have no idea why he is even commenting when he not in the same run. He then starts to pull different stories in and take sides with carney and comment about random attitude/rudeness and etc. you can read his baseless post that i highlighted, shows much about his self-proclaimed "nice character" and the last line is totally epic af, i didn't know i could do that.

    I am writing this post in light of the recent blacklist of my zuba cwk adventures. :love:
    I honestly love how they pull in effort to twist stories/add jibberish and some unrelated people even jumped on the bandwagon and randomly put in made up stories.
    I am not going to be personal to write my own story to "counter-attack".
    I am posting this thread to review their post and to point out the facts objectively with no intention to attack anyone i quoted.
    I hope this don't get locked because my intention is not to attack people.

    I decided to come with a thread to clarify on the blacklist and etc
    I also wish to give some insight/credits to hosts/players of cwkpq party as well.

    I have highlighted the key main points in red for review.
    As you can all read, they are aware that the run is 4mon/6bonus and very unfortunately, the Drk who is also mon dc leaving me as the only mon looter and they are once again aware that i will get 5 mon by default because i am the only 1 in the mon group and default wins in the roll. There is always this rule that if some1 in the mon/bonus group dc, some1 will get extra mon or more bonus chest. i am just fortunate/unfortunate that the i am the only mon looter left. I have no idea how it escalated to me cheating them and that i didn't discuss this with them? while he is aware but twisted he story to me cheating them? Somehow because i get more mon not by choice, i automatically lose my bonus ?? if getting more mon causes bonus loss, i rather let 2 mon disappear and go for my bonus.

    i didn't agree to no bonus, they are so adamant to have extra 1 more chest and somehow all the 5 players in the bonus group agrees unanimously that i don't deserve a bonus and shouting for justice [so they can get that 1 extra chest] including a bishop who spent 0 meso on attack potions and only casted HS in the run.

    So at that point, i only have 2 options. 1: rush into the bonus and ruin it for everyone else or 2: just let them have the 5 man bonus they wanted so badly.
    i chose the logical choice, unlike the rest of them who chose the selfish personal choice. it's better to sacrifice myself so the 5/6 can be happy than to have all being 6 unhappy. I am not a saint but this is at least what i felt is the best way out for everyone except myself.

    i spend the same amount of time in the run/ used more attack pots/ and got attacked by 5 people and he can still claim i "wasted their time" thou we ran the cwk together/ rude attitude? when all 5 are attacking me. tried to steal bonus? when it actually is my my own fair share. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Objectively, the OP is fully aware that i get 5 mon by default due to other mon looter dc + 1 bonus. I don't understand the reason for blacklisting when he actually admitted that he know i would get 5 mon by default and 1 bonus ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Personally, i ate 3 apples because i'm the lone warrior and ate HS till the end and without a bonus, i didn't even recover 1 meso for this run. It's definitely my worst self hosted run by far. Despite them scolding/insulting/cursing throughout the run because i brought 3 mules and 2nd warrior dc but there are 2NL/1sair/1MM, i never stopped buffing them with my mules. Even a bishop that used 0 attack pot and only cast HS nearing the end of battle deserved bonus than me. oh well ... i can't out talk 5 despo chest seeker and i don't believe in ruining the run for my personal selfish agenda ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I think you need to take back your own words.
    you clearly know nothing as you are not in the run and since you decided to jump on the bandwagon and be a hypocrite ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    i know nothing about your cwk/apq run with moto so i will not judge anything
    There is no reason for moto to shade you, so some stuffs must have happened during your runs with him and it's probably not lies.
    The SS shows what kind of "character/attitude" you have that you need to start a mega war to prove how "right" you are to the whole server
    you are very lucky to have Piffy to defend you and take you into guild given your character
    I ran cwk with you before, i don't think you are a bad person but i guess i'm wrong.

    I don't need to quote anything you mention, it's all jibberish.
    Please welcome the champion for cwkpq (◕‿◕✿)

    Mr WeiAi/Yanting/Chermiee [same person and it's a guy]

    1st ever run with him. he got into some quarrel with the other MM dude he was totally triggered 100%
    he then totally decided to not help for stage 5 and boss stage and let the other MM solo it
    thou his's 1 action will pull down the whole run as well as his own time, he is fine and proud of it.
    nothing i can do at all, there is no point in trying to persuade him either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    2nd run with him because there is absolutely no archer after a few mega at that point of hosting.
    I had to go with him and pray that no1 in the party triggers him.
    all was fine till the last part when slime spawned and he immediately afked and went to slime on alt char.
    The best part that is when he came back in time for bonus, he had 0 tinge of apology/guilt.
    it's as if he didn't afk to go slime and didn't even bother to come with an excuse for the afk and join in as if nothing happen. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    I will end this post here. Let the readers read and see for themselves.

    I can't control if the 3 of you are going to take it positively or negatively, but i am not going to engage in the debate/flame wars so don't start 1 here.
    I merely quoted your own words/ posted your own chats back, there is no story twisting by me here.
    I will not post any thing in blacklist to "counter-blacklist" you guys or anything.
    I am unaffected by the blacklist/bluelist/greenlist and i don't believe in eye for an eye either.

    Last edited: Mar 12, 2019
  2. Ghostie

    Ghostie Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I will use this section to address some questions/queries for everyone's sake for the CWKPQ
    I have joined public runs myself and hosted 90% of the time after that. Hence i would say i am fairly experienced enough to share some insights.

    There are times that there are really no1 for a particular class to actually get the PQ going, if you host often you will definitely encounter this almost every single time and even with a mega every few mins, there is still on reply at all. it not as if we love to duo/triple/quad client but there is no choice except if some1 else have the mule or everyone have wait. We are not greedy for the extra mons

    As someone who duo/trio client rather often, i can say for sure that there is little to no difference in the run of speed if compared to a 5man cwk which is 5 humans/5 mules. Because when i host, i will make sure that the other counter part of my mule is a human so he is able to the quest parts while i shift my nules to stage 4 where there is where i will catch up to the team.

    Question: why not have 10 man runs and everyone is human and the run will be perfect

    Because people don't want to come for the boss and burn attack potions just to have a mon [high chance bad stats] and most people who bring only 1 client wants bonus 90% of the time so it's "worth" their time
    Question: Are the people whom bring mules selfish for more rewards and drags the party down?
    Nope, the real selfish people are those with no mules or has mules but wants to use for a different run to get extra bonus slot and the only reason they join is just for bonus even if they are just a mule not dealing damage. The only extra "advantage"with an extra mule is more mon which may not be relevant as the player may already have a good mon/no intention for mon/and there is no profit from mon unless some1 in the run buys it. The player who brings the mule have to buff the team now and then while those with no mule will be shouting for buffs and most of the time being very impatient and unappreciative as if they paid the mule to do work.
    Question: what do you do as a non-leader?
    All you have to do is bring your mule if any or if no mule, help to hunt some heart and just go thru the stages and kill and boss and get your mon/bonus. There is pretty much nothing to esp if you only bring 1 client in.
    Question: what do you do as a leader?
    The leader/host has to manage and gather every1 together.
    1. After spending own meso for mega and being bombed with pms like "when is it starting?" "i only have xx for bonus slot, no mule" "i will tp when every 1 is ready"
    2. ask member to hunt for hearts as it does not drop from the sky when leader is still gathering people and there will be afker or some only waiting to come when the hearts are ready.
    3. balance out mon/bonus split to ensure at least a 4/6 or else every1 is going to be unhappy.
    4. manage people shouting when starting? gg so many mules, slow run.
    5. when the run finally starts, there will still be people not helping stage 1 to 4 and just waiting
    6. if you are unlucky, you get who curse/insult/bash you and self pro-claim they can host better or make a story to blacklist you.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    In a nutshell, it is unrewarding to host a cwk unless you have rational friends/guidies/alliance to go with you.
    there is so much a leader needs to do but no people knows/appreciate except the leader themselves and they get the same amount of rewards as every one. I don't even remember when is the last time some one thanked me for forming and leading a party. ~f6

    not to mention that whenever i bring 1 mules or more, they will immediate comment "GG, slow run", "selfish to bring so many mules for rewards" but they failed to realise that the party still has 5-6 attackers everytime
    but when i ask any1 to bring even just 1 mules, all kept quiet and no1 willing to join the run for just 1 mon. people even complains when the run becomes 4/6 ... ~f12


    Dave Deviluke and reuben12 like this.
  3. Punk

    Punk Donator

    Oct 19, 2017
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    Juicy. Whoever rushes bonus and complains about other people rushing bonus is a complete wheezer.
    WangWangNL and Pwimo like this.
  4. WangWangNL

    WangWangNL Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2018
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    This is a big lie hahaha.. i feel attacked :'(
    HenryLai and Shnang like this.
  5. Carney

    Carney Donator

    Oct 4, 2015
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    hi, I have no intention to attack you too. I don't know about your run with Yanting. But all the runs with me and you together. I see you being rude.
    in the last run that i did with you, my whole party said it is unfair for you to do bonus. Witnesses: Elsaibor, xsparrowx, Limaaaa & Lechita4u. (you can whisper any one of them in game. they are active) I did not force them to say anything. As i said in my post, my party actually have no problem with you doing 5 mon 1 bonus. we don't mind. All you have to do is ask. or say something to inform us (you are leader right)? as a leader you should be discussing about who is mon and bonus? not yelling at us for no reason at all.. you started typing non-stop about how the NL is whining has weak dmg becuase he just type one word "SE" - the pirate boss removed his buff. all he did is ask you for SE. he did nothing to you. when i ask you who is mon, all you said is "me", when i ask who is bonus, all you said is "me". everything is about you?? We all think is unfair because the entire run you just keep typing and yelling at us. (are you going to say my story "it's all jibberish" again? if i think of it logically you looting 5 mon and doing bonus is basically same as doing the cwkpq alone by youself, anyway as i said my party does not care. but we feel that you yelling and complaining at us is the main reason why we said no bonus for you. By the way, we all used apple too. not just you. i don't know why you are complaining. If you want to complain about how much you sacrificed for getting nothing at the end. let me complain about it too.
    Sometimes I bring 2-3 character, I volunteer myself and said my 1-2 character will get nothing due to some issues - for example my leader recruited too many warrior by accident (party has 3 warrior) there is 11 people total. so it will be 10 total because 1 of my character get nothing. should i complain i get nothing??
    In the previous run, you bring 2 Mules (SE and Pirate) NO main. (both afk)< and you are complaining because you cannot do 2 bonus? you start calling leader "retard" and "i will host my own run"? he just ask you to do 1 mon and 1 bonus because there was too many people in bonus. You are playing 2 AFK characters.. you should be happy the leader take you..
    Anyway, me and my party member was so nice to you. You are the one who is complaining the whole run. what is this post about #cwkpqlivesmatter?? you are the one who is attacking us. the whole run. we are so nice to you. No one is stoping you from doing cwkpq. Its your behaviour on how u treat us. i saved this screenshot at the very end for this. saying "no1 cares about you" is not nice when we did nothing to you. look at this
    all you have to do is say something like this during the run.
    "i am still going bonus if i loot 5 mon right?"
    "i go 5 mon, 1 bonus"
    "drk dced, do i loot all mon?"
    "how many bonus?"
    These are just examples of what you can say, its very simple
    You did not say anything Mon, bonus. but complained about other issues and stress everyone
    the reason you triggered me is because this is not the first time you are rude.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2019
    Haiya, WangWangNL, HenryLai and 8 others like this.
  6. Tect

    Tect Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2017
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  7. MoriForest

    MoriForest Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2016
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    While I see OP addressing the MoN & Bonus issue, he hasn't replied about his attitude towards you guys. Is he gonna do it? Stay tuned for the next episode of Dragon Ball Z community black list!
    ginwolf, Cocozzi, Ohad and 14 others like this.
  8. WangWangNL

    WangWangNL Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2018
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    You will get what behavior u did to others in return to you. Good behavior only present to good people.First of all i also dunno why i would que for this hahahahaha.
    U think that im not a bad person because at that time i also cannot 'tahan' with your attitude too.. but no choice~ because no people is doing. for others people in mapleroyals, i will try to be nice to everyone because we play game to relax/enjoy but not to get quarrel.. i will not get in quarrel with others people unless you touch my tail F3. I stand up for carney for cwkpq because i also frequently do with him before, im also a cwkpq organiser, and i know his works compare to you(based on past experience). All i can say about you is all ATTITUDE, maybe no problem at all with your cwkpq but the attitude i kennot :p.I feel stressss when cwkpq with you, and sometime u will scold people until people loss their dignity.. other people is also a son of mother/father de.. dont like this~
    #sorryforMyChinglish hahahaha
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2019
    Carney and Punk like this.
  9. Punk

    Punk Donator

    Oct 19, 2017
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    Seems rude to say "no1 cares about u".... :'(
    WangWangNL, MoriForest and Shnang like this.
  10. CWCW

    CWCW Donator

    Oct 9, 2016
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    What's with people using hashtag on forum lmao. But welp whatever, drama? im in gonna take the first page seats
  11. Cynn

    Cynn Donator

    Dec 23, 2017
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    Thanks for actually taking some screenshot examples.

    Did not know WeiAi was Yanting. Have heard not too good things about the person.

    Unfortunate your final MoN looter dced. I believe as a party leader you should just’ve just asked if anyone wanted to loot a MoN (they probably would’ve said no), and taken all of the MoN and no bonus. If you weren’t the leader I would say screw it, take whats yours, but as the leader you should try to account the party first. I do not think you were pursuing a selfish agenda, but just being a party leader sucks sometimes and you gotta just take one for the team. Back in my noobier days when I recruited everyday with smega, I would refund my party Eye of fires if the classic 14x NL flashjumps and steals the dropper’s nx.

    Also your story explains why I often see smega R>Warrior/Theif CWKPQ (MoN Only). Personally I favor MoN since I’m relooting, hooray I guess.

    Also I would suggest not using the example about the bishop who used 0 attack pots/only casted HS and does not contribute to the bosses really. They’re contributing in their own way to their own job description. If you take that type of behavior a few more steps even lower, I could tell my 16x NL he won’t be getting a split since he’s not contributing as much as me/the 7k+ range NLs at Horntail.

    If you do not like dealing with people, especially those in your eyes who are ungrateful. I would not suggest leading runs. There will be a lot less runs for you since theres only like two active leaders (Mazzeri/SkySkiiMan), but that would probably make you happier lol. It probably isn’t worth your own stress.

    Don’t think you were pushing your own agenda but leading parties come with some expectations and it sucks.

    Would never lead cwkpq perfect score of 5/7
  12. Carney

    Carney Donator

    Oct 4, 2015
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    The bishop only played 1 character, and he chose bonus. he made it to the end so he gets to do bonus. it has nothing to do about "deserve to do bonus" for bishop.
    you are playing 4 characters and want to get 6 things. that's why we are concern + your attitude. yes i am aware that you can be 5 mon 1 bonus. As a leader you don't say anything about mon bonus, but you attack party members during the run. (we did nothing to you). if you did not attack us and and just talk about mon,bonus. we would allow it easy. I would have made sure u enter bonus even if my members said no.

    what Wang said is right^, you attack my party member, so we attack you. we all felt the same way, it is unfair for you to stress everyone and gets the most.
  13. iSlayDogs

    iSlayDogs Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2016
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    Read most of the stuff and i just feel i need to say somethings to the both of you but im still good with running cwk with yall and all. Just that sometimes the circumstance becomes shitty and i feel like poop
    Firstly, cwk was meant for 10ppl but we started muling due to the difficulty of getting all jobs & also self benefits (more mon/bonus) & power of multi clienting.

    Carney : the reason it i am mad is because of another time in cwkpq as well. viking brings 2 mules (SE and SI) (no main). just 2 afk mule and said he is doing 2 bonus. at first leader said ok. but after we ask who is mon bonus. there are too many bonus so we ask him to do 1 mon 1 bonus. then he started yelling and said he bring only 1 mule because he dont want mon. he called leader "retarded" and said he dont know how to to host runs. we decided to kick him because he said 2 bonus or nothing. he wasted our time and rude attitude. (sorry idk how to quote a quote)

    Zuba is definately wrong for yelling and "retarded" was uncalled for. Then again one of the cwk i did with you recently, you also wanted to bring your SI mule and said you have no damage (the one me mentioning about it will be a long cwk run but we suddenly got a lvl 200 NL and you actually had damage to deal on the boss. So everything worked out fine in the end.) If you really do go on such runs with your 1 mule alone and plan to just provide buff, I dont think youre in a good position to scold other people on that? In the past when your SI was still lvl 130 or so? (can't rmbr) you still brought it to do cwk and got your fair share of rewards.(Annoyed me how some ppl can just say they have no damage but still get equal reward, but hey im still getting my rewards just at the expense of 5-10more mins so there wasnt any reason to point out or BLACKLIST) Also sometimes the way you ask for things is quite demanding and idk if its just me but i find it quite rude but I'm able to put up with it since theres no harm done to anyone. (Like what wangwang said :p)
    And that was the reason why i kept telling you its not good to just keep bringing mules (i almost had to bring thief mule because we almost couldn't find NL) and it would be a long run.
    ^^^^ Basically me to you that run before we got an OP NL
    Then again zuba usually brings mules so that less time is spent on finding members (but then more time spent completing the pq.. so abit hard to say ah)

    Zuba, first few runs I did with you was pretty rough and I also felt the rudeness. But its something i witness thats on and off (how you talk to the party), you arent 24/7 rude. Just be mindful of how you communicate to others, it may irritate/piss off come people. (just like how i feel when carney talks but i dont hate him) <<no intention to attack you carney~ We all have our own preference. Also usually runs are faster when no one brings 3 chars or more, but if like what you said :
    Then it becomes a point where whoever cannot take your muling should just leave and not afk/keep silent while the leader is organising then complain later. Afterall you're also going through the long run and in that run should have already been ready to see you mule many chars and getting more rewards then them. Not be upset while the MoNs are dropping x.x. Also when you realised the drk dc'd, you should have just raised it up to them that youre gonna take it. No harm right? Communication is key to smooth runs :3 Kinda dreaded the runs that were not fast when you had 3 chars, but i was ok with it as i wanted my juicy boxes +w+

    Just an extra (unrelated) note, I fought with omfgitzmike during zak drops.
    Story summary, when zak mobs spawn and red envelopes drop, he literally stops attacking and prioritises to pick them up then resume attacking. So when zak died and drops came out, i straight looted 1RE + energizer(beside the 5knx) and sat on my chair, other attkers looted wish tickets/5knx, mike looted 1RE and started saying "wtf" after seeing me loot fast. He then started to accuse me saying if gen20 dropped, i would have looted and ran away. I said Im no that kind of person. But he continued flaming me as a looter or what not and according to him after zak die, no one loots anything until called for. (applies to buyers, as for attkers.. thats how we blacklist ppl when they loot wrong/cheat). Some of yall might have seen his smega something along "Dont run with sighpie, will loot all drops and run". We also talked that if we cant stand each other, then just dont go on runs together anymore
    What i found funny was i did zak and krex runs with him before and i remember he never practiced "no one loots anything until called for". (Maybe i took his RE :x)
    There were other people that recognise me in that run as not a looter
    Talked to some acquaintances of his, found out he blacklists ALOT of people... hmm..

    Zuba - Please be more polite unless otherwise. Dont bring too many mules unless no choice and everyone/majority is ok with it.
    Carney - Feels weird seeing you scold someone on attitude and muling when you yourself did it before.
    Other cwk peeps - There will almost always be mules just whether their main is strong enough to make sure the run is not too slow. So unless youre ok with them getting more rewards, just leave. Anyway your rewards stay the same and if you afk / keep silent while the expedition is forming up, that was your choice. Also please bring at least as many hearts as characters you bring, dont wait till all 10 characters are ready then everyone starts farming/"farming" hearts.
    omfgitzmike - Still wont boss with you.
    x3heybee, lxlx, NTR and 2 others like this.
  14. Cynn

    Cynn Donator

    Dec 23, 2017
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    I think these recent blacklists on CWKPQ (CindyPirate/Yanting/etc.) shows we as a server are not ready for an alternative to make money yet where you do not need to rely on being a 7k range+ Nightlord (Horntail).

    I think GMs should remove CWKPQ since we are not mature enough to have nice parties with other royalers.

    Personally I feel people should just to back to leeching for 200 hours before funding an attacker. This is the correct way to play maple royals.

    TayK likes this.
  15. Carney

    Carney Donator

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Hey, your paragraph was too long and i did not bother reading it. But i read what you quoted me.

    1st of all I want to say that My bucc is level 175 when cwkpq came out. (level 130 si??) impossible
    2nd the reason i bring my SI mule is because parties cannot find a pirate, and they ask me to join. I have make sure everyone is okay with me being a mule.
    - i don't AFK. (away from keyboard) i am very useful bucc who have maxed every skills and mw20. I walk around and corner bosses as well.
    3rd I am a real SI mule. i have 0 items. I don't say i have no damage just to do nothing and get equal reward.

    I play 1 MM(main) , 1 bucc (mule). sometimes 1 BS (mule) but the party i was with you . there was 2 archer already. so i am not needed. They couldnt find a pirate so they told me to come just bucc.

    I know what a real afk mule is. i know a guy xSparrowx just comes as 1 mule (lvl 90 outlaw) everytime. and he is really nice person so i take him all the time.
    cwkpq is all about friendly/relaxing/fun. Not stressful, complaining.

    MintMeister also brings his level 90 pirate all the time. But i don't complain. just need to be friendly

    I feel like your message is like attacking me. But i hope you understand now after i explain to you with this reponse.:3

    There is no problem bringing mules. Its the Attitude from the person
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2019
    WangWangNL and iSlayDogs like this.
  16. iSlayDogs

    iSlayDogs Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2016
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    Sorry if it did, just wanted to "rant" in some way. am feeling better already :p
    true true the lvl 90 kind is a real afk mule. but mint dmg is op.
    Maybe my memory was bad. Because i remember how 1 of our cwk you were asking me how i leveled to 18x so fast in a few weeks (you said i was 15x a few weeks ago). But from what i knew you were a lower level than me and i chose to stay at lvl 180 for a good 1 month+. Then i explained how you kinda swap our levels in your memory lmao.

    Didnt mean to say you had the intent to say yourself no damage so you can relax. But i was pretty sure you said you had no items but still had 6k range during boss room F3

    Also the times i get upset n need to rant are like 1 out of many runs.

    Edit : I just rmbred.. the si mule was skyskisi. my bad, mixed up memory :x.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2019
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  17. Don

    Don Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2015
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    Lol holy shit can’t you guys just solve this via PM? This is such a meme now.
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  18. Dudu

    Dudu Donator

    Dec 5, 2015
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    this whole thread reeks of so much pubescent angst i feel like belting this song at the top of my lungs

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  19. WolfXLord

    WolfXLord Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2017
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    I once had a really bad experience with a player in CWK. I then blacklisted 'her' and avoided partying with 'her'.

    Problem solved. Moving on.
    Shnang and Ghostie like this.
  20. TayK

    TayK Donator

    Jul 3, 2018
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    i dont even know how to do cwkpq yamean
    Mrkaren likes this.

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