So I'm just gonna put all the facts forward. Back in November or so (not sure of the exact month) my old High school buddy and I decided that we wanted start Maple again, but we would have rather play Maple Royals instead of GMS; we were able to get our Gf's onboard. We all started playing royals but shortly after my friend (who is unable to actually stick with any game for more than a day or two) quit. My gf didn't want to keep grinding out, but i did. She continued to vote on her account while i was continueing to vote on mine. Fast forward afew months i come back. But no one else does, my gf said that she might wanna play again, but wasn't sure, so she ended up voting afew times (maybe 3 or 4 days??) But this morning after voting told me she wasn't going to continue playing. Before this, i had made a warrior on her account that i was kinda training, doing some leeching from my main account, but mostly just not doing anything. Now her account has a handful of nx on it, but it doesn't have a character level 50 or above to buy gacha/aprs on. (Warrior is kinda close, but i would need to finish leveling that character). She said she wasn't going to continute playing and told me that her she doesn't care for the account. If I rank my spearman om her account to level 50 to sell her aprs am I going to get hit with a Vote abuse ban, or am I safe to do that? I enjoy playing Maple Royals, I don't want to get into any trouble, but the money is just sitting there and it's not going to get used at all. I'm just trying to cover my bases before something awful happens to me >.<
Awe damn, you right. It wasn't malicious or anything like that. But i can see how that comes off as really bad. >.< Just a terrible situation for me now I guess. She was taking a break and I wanted to see some leeching situations and scenarios, and I didn't want to go through the process of making another account when that one was not being used. This is just terrible judgment on my part.
It was an honest and unintentional mistake. My gf and I live together, we share computers, pets, cars, everything. I'm going to own up to my mistake, if i delete it now it's gonna make it seem like I have something to hide. As stated, it was an unintentional laps in judgement, so like i get that. It's on me, ima take the consequences like a man. Running will only make it worse. If i get banned for doing something bannable (something i didn't even consider about) then i should be banned. I'll file an appeal and we'll just go from there. Mental states and opinions are different depending on what your previous experiences are, and as stated, it was just a laps of judgement.