Name:Chris Age:21 IGN: DarkHiruma Alternate character:N/A Previous guilds:N/A Ban history:N/A Reason for wanting to join: I actually applied to the guild last year (lol) but I stopped playing. Just recently started playing again and looking for a friendly active guild.
Name: Benji Age: 21 IGN: Ashimari Alternate character: None Previous guilds: New to server (kinda) Ban history: Never Reason for wanting to join: Just came back from a long break (1 year) after getting to 43 Realised this is something you can really enjoy even tho it may be a little bit hard. I have a need of active players who could be really friendly towards new people such as guild newcomers who are open to make friends. Also feel like helping others is a great thing because we all were noob before and asked to help maybe as they ask us now ( even tho I'm still noob, we can always help in some way).
Thank you for your applications. Please contact a Jr. Master in-game. JCrew, injeenious, or PridefuI are currently the most active.
We're a nice guild looking for some nice fresh meat to spend time with. Here's our recent guild event! We don't abuse our new members (I think). Apply now!
Name: Kieran Age: 25 IGN: Freefall Alternate character: Spaceboy Previous guilds: Boobs, Hollywood Ban history: none Reason for wanting to join: Been out of a guild for a while, started play more in the last few weeks so looking for a new guild to play with. Why Radio? I've bumped into a few people from radio in the past and they've all been really nice!
Name: Chris Age: 31 IGN: Vacent Alternate character: TBD Previous guilds: Simple, Envy Ban history: None Reason for wanting to join: Recently started playing again after a long break and my buddy list is sad and empty now Looking for an active guild to join and my friend John just joined Radio so I thought I'd throw an application in as well. I'm a pretty chill dude who enjoys long grinds at skeles and failing mastery books. Also Justin is a pretty cool dude I guess.
Name: Joshua Age: 21 IGN: IronSkillet Alternate character: None Yet! Previous guilds: Oceans Ban history: None Reason for wanting to Join: Just started playing this private server for a few days and was looking around for guilds. I saw a few people roaming around in Radio in towns and they seemed really nice.
Name: Jeremy Age: 22 IGN: Infatuation Alternate character: N/A Previous guilds: N/A Ban history: N/A Reason for wanting to join: Looking for some people to talk to while grinding out some levels Discord: Yeeeeeeeessssssss
Name: Cynn Age: 21 IGN: ItsJustCynn Alternate character: N/A Previous guilds: Oceans, Memoir Ban history: N/A Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a new active guild Discord: Yup
Banner update Welcome everyone! After being dormant for some time, and most of the members moving on, I am excited to say that some of us have decided to try and bring a new group of people together and give this guild its life back. From the very beginning Radio has been a place where people come together and enjoy their time while playing maple but at the same time, be a place where people can build friendships that go beyond just this game. With the experience we have from the first go around, we are hopeful that the same will happen again and we will be able to make the best of our time here. If you wish to apply, please be sure to follow the format we have. If you have any questions feel free to post or pm myself or @Succubus and we will be happy to answer your questions.
Name: Jae Age: 22 IGN: ShiyuiFan Alternative Character: BronzeMedal, ItsJustCynn, +10 farmers Previous Guilds: Radio, Guardians, Guild Ban History: None Why Radio: I’ve been waiting for this revival. Edit: lol I just noticed I was the last person to apply too here.
Name: Jonathan Age: 21 IGN: BlackNoise Alternate Character: MistyPoise, Jokon Previous Guilds: Ban History: None Why Radio?: I just got back into MapleRoyals and noticed that this guild is in the progress of reviving. I think it'll be a fun experience
Welcome back Jonathan, tried to contact you the past couple of days and haven't been able to. Whenever you get online feel free to whisper myself on Manny, or you can contact Charlie on ImBigger.
Name: Itay Age: 21 IGN: Corry Alternate Character: none, new to this server Previous Guilds: none Ban History: none Why Radio?: seems like a friendly guild and im looking to be active for a while now