Hello Royallers, With the new patch, we have 2 new bosses , scarlion and targa! And of course, we have already begin thinking up of all sorts of strategies to bring down the 2 bosses within the time limit. And with the constant weap cancel rotation, it makes it seemingly difficult but challenging! <3 So what is the suggestion, why is the title Arch Mages? Arch Mages unlike bishops that can join bossing parties, cant boss efficiently. If an Arch Mage wants a krexel ring, what does he /she do, pay for krex service. zak helm? pay for zak service, HT? pay for HT service. I would love to suggest making Arch Mages at least viable to fight in scarlion/targa. so how can that be done? its pretty simple, make those 2 bosses weak to the Elements of the ARCH MAGES. this would make runs really interesting and with the strategies and all, and mages included. Also i did alittle research and realised that ALMOST none of the bosses in MapleRoyals are weak to poison(Para) compared to lightning(CL) and other elements. What do i propose? Arch Mage F/P : More bosses weak to poison. Arch Mage I/L : Likewise Scarlion : Weak to poison * , Fire (already weak to it) + more it makes sense Targa : Weak to Lightning, Ice (already weak to it, no change) + more if it makes sense Ice demon /Fire demon : buff DOT damage and and castable on bosses (if its already not) Thank you once again for reading this post and ARCH MAGES IF YOU LIKE THIS, please comment!
Arch Mages are never meant to be 1v1 bosser in this version. Since they are the absolute Gods of Farming, let's not give them what they don't need.
I personally would welcome having arch mages with somewhat competitive 1v1 damage. I do think it's a shame they're not a viable class in terms of bossing since they offer unique gameplay. It'd be kinda cool to see them play similar to paladin where they're decent enough on their own, not a burden, but when fighting the proper elements, they step up beyond what one would expect. Also, I don't think they fact they're amazing farmers should disqualify them for being viable at bossing though, night lords have amazing mobility, but that doesn't make their damage suffer, for example. Giving their 1v1 skills a basic attack & mastery upgrade would be nice to see, letting them hang around the 200k range of this chart on neutral enemies, & near the 240k on weak enemies.
these survey options are always such bait Should we get a fifth puppy? Yes (puppies are so cute!!) No (I think puppies are garbage animals) Should NLs be nerfed? Yes (I think fairness is important) No (This game should never change and be NLstory forever)
Lol I called this type of absurdity happening the second we began entertaining the "class balancing" nonsense. It's a never ending cycle where these new breed casual (not high leveled during this version of gMS) players will continually want things changed and 'balanced' until every class is near 'equal'. Please stop trying to ruin the game by making it all inclusive to every class at every boss/map/mob. Certain classes aren't meant to be able to participate in certain bosses, while other classes aren't meant to attain optimal farming rates, and other classes aren't meant to attain optimal training EXP, so on and so forth. Mages aren't bossing classes (they still can, but suboptimally in comparison to attacker classes) Ranged aren't farming/training classes (they still can, but suboptimally in comparison to mage classes) This is how the version of the game we play is designed. Now play it how it's supposed to be played or go elsewhere if you want to play it differently.
Agreed. Each class has their niche to fill and an AM's niche is not bossing and should never be bossing. One thing OP mentioned was that AMs have to pay for Zhelm/Krex ring/HTP so they should at least have a competitive edge in Scar/Targa, but paying for these services and getting people to help them is completely justified given that they can make money easily unlike every other class (bossing classes have to gather a party, organize, extensively advertise, and require funding), and AMs can leech their other characters. Something I hate about GMS is how classes don't really have niches anymore. Almost every class has great mobbing and bossing ability. In terms of grinding, most classes are equally competitive as others, and in terms of bossing, most classes are similar, too, except a select few classes have higher/lower DPM depending on the patch. So in GMS, the best "bossing" class or grinding class isn't quite consistent with an identity.
I believe the term you're referring to is homogenising...and I really hope that those who keep asking for "balances" can at least give this Article a read before they post a thread without knowing that those "balances" are going to lead to the current MapleStory / MMORPG trend.
Jumped that shark with HP washing and multi-client long ago...an NL leeches to 135 to skip over the levels where they struggle with grinding, washes to avoid partying with a DrK, mules an archer, and sometimes even a bishop...but giving mages any viability at bosses is a bridge too far? Edit: Not to mention the other class with an ultimate (Bishop) actually DOES have bossing utility...
The features you listed were all available on gMS in the version(s?) of our server though. Changes to balance or benefit mages only came with/post big bang, which some of us are heavily against. That isn't to say if we could go back and have certain things done differently by Nexon, we wouldn't, but instead to embrace what the game actually was and enjoy it despite the odd quirks the same way we did back in the day. Ya feel me?
@PurePoisonXD Tbh, I would like to see an AM in my party when bossing but properly, their DPS in bossing should be the same with Bucc before the buff. That way, every non-magic classes would white AM but AM is still have a some damage to contribute to party!
That's a very different argument than the one I'm addressing above: "that improving mage bossing ability, homogenizes a game that is full of variety in terms of roles and party composition." The game as is played today has very few "roles," and is quite oriented towards solo play. Mages having single-target dps on par with say, pre-buff Paladin or Bucc, or even say 10%+ below that amount, would not have that effect at all. I'd easily make that trade if possible for a mage with somewhat buffed/viable non-ult 4th job skills. But I was someone who was interested in 4th job mages before ultimate spam became the consensus means of leveling...
By super buffing HP, crippling the HP washing system I don't think it's a good idea for us to "balance" the jobs, making arch mages viable for bossing seems too strong (able to mob + boss) And who can decide how much DPS a mage should deal, to make it "viable" for the bossing runs?