look at the charts again and compare it with bm/mm/nl/sair, (somehow they made bucc stronger than bm/MM) ive been saying this 10 times now...
YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... since they have higher mobility and are a melee class dps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jesus christ
I am all for Archer damage buffs, but this is a terrible way to do it. First of all, youre complaining about a class that is always desperately needed, and a class Ive seen people pay mesos for just to join their party. On top of that youre not an AFK character that presses HS every once in a while, youre an attacker. Doing this will increase the number of BM/MMs on the server, but will also decrease the number of active ones. Most will just HP Wash until SE is maxed then never play it unless they boss. You will turn the class into a permamule. Oh and good luck bossing without using SE or finding a BM/MM only party. TBH your best bet is to make an Archer only guild.
wait wait, why will it decrease number of active ones? i dont think ppl like me 175BM will stop playing being active, im inactive because of the current dps and trust me i will be more active than before if they buff the dmg
I urge all beginners to boycott job advancement before beginners get buffed Your vote counts, please share, like and subscribe!
I personally do support archers need some adjustment, however, as you can tell very little users here is taking you and your suggestion seriously. I'm not sure whether you don't understand the comments people are trying to tell you how to improve or you are just refusing to trust them at all. Making enemies When someone wants to evoke a change in a system, they usually gather up sympathy and supporters to their cause, so they have a better chance to do something. So far, you have been doing the opposite of that, by aggressively advocating for #NoSEforNLandSAIRS, you instantly alienated over 1/4 of the players here and deter others from supporting you. Especially, the majority of them are Night Lords, the class who benefits the most from Sharp Eye, it should be easy for you to gain their support. Since they know is challenging to find someone who plays a high-leveled archer for bossing. Instead, you turn your greatest potential ally into an enemy. Lack of adaptability Secondly, you have been spamming the shoutbox for days now. You said you are serious but don't you ever reflect on why nobody is coming to your camp and helping you but instead they are attacking you? If something repeatedly doesn't work, is time to go back and change your approach. Lack of practicability I'm not sure whether you think this through but you do know getting archers to stop providing SE is not practical right? Ignoring not everybody has a forum account or will look at your thread. You are hurting both archers and players who need them, you just create unnecessary hassle overall.
As a BM main since 2015, I disapprove this message and the proposed movement ... As you (the OP) claim to speak on behalf of all archers in the game, then I wanna speak on behalf of all sane minded, rational people, to either: Replace this thread to the Off Topic/Test/Spam section where it belongs as it fits that section better than either General Discussion or Feedback by the way it is written and the seriousness that is taken by everyone Just simply lock this thread or avoid bumping it Keep making memes about it cos it's an amazing thread to meme about (farm those forum likes while you can, if you're into that sort of thing) And, if the OP considers himself as sane and rational, please make a proper Feedback thread in its respective Feedback section, backing up your ideas and claims with a language in which people will take you seriously as well as open for a constructive discussion.. Thank you
Can we buff hero too? I hate naruto lords they try to beat me with dmg when hero is the main character class of Maplestory