I've scanned my computer countless times, looking for potential keyloggers, and what not, but someone keeps getting access to my account and getting MAC banned? The same thing occurs. "You have been disconnected from the login server." This person who keeps doing this, is literally taking nothing from me, doing absolutely nothing except getting my accounts mac banned.
There are 4 MAC addresses listed for your account (jphammm). Of those, 2 are currently MAC banned (though there are no IP bans). Here is a list of all account usernames that share a MAC address with your account: *removed* Recognize any?
Can you do me a favor? I'm assuming you're using Windows Vista/7. Can you follow the details here and provide me a screenshot of your network list please? http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/quickly-open-network-connections-list-in-windows-vista/ If you want to PM it to me, that's fine as well.
There is a range of default VMWare MAC Addresses. One of your VMWare network adapters are using the same MAC address as a hackers VMWare MAC address. Can you disable your VMWare network adapters and try logging into game now? If you want to use VMWare then you will need to manually set a MAC address by following this guide: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=219 If you log into game with your current VMWare adapters enabled you will be blocked from logging in again as your MAC's would have been added to your account once again.