That's probably why he answered Yes on the "Do you want to play a unique class?" question. Edit: If you're curious to see all your results, go to this spreadsheet to check it out.
Interesting choices re: Shadower and bucc. He really liked the way my bucc looked, but I think the broken skills might annoy him more. He's currently got a fire poison mage level 71 but is hating the slow leveling of 2nd/early 3rd job. I'll see what he thinks about shadower.
His results on Mages were pretty high, too. Check out this spreadsheet for more info! @Plenty LUK-less Dits doe. Hella OP.
@Bizqnation 1st: Buccaneer (38/45 points, 84.44%) 2nd: Shadower (38/46 points, 82.61%) 3rd: Paladin (34/45 points, 75.56%) Not surprising, you have a Shadower.
I'm surprised with Corsair tho O: and my main was a Paladin in GMS I guess i know how to pick my jobs hahah Edit: Looking at the Spreadsheet, I dont think its Corsair but Bucc? If so i wouldnt be surprised, is a fun job too
@Tommy you had very mixed results. 1st: Bowmaster (30/45 points, 66.67%) 1st: Paladin (30/45 points, 66.67%) 3rd: Buccaneer (29/45 points, 64.44%) Bishop was also at 29 points, but lower percentage (since Bishops go up to 48 points). I'm going to bed now (exam tomorrow *sigh*), will evaluate the rest tomorrow morning when I wake up!
Please excuse my stupidity. Yes, it's Buccaneer, not Corsair. I changed the questionnaire so you can do it more than once, in case people want to do it again or for someone else.
My own results: 1st: Shadower (34/45 points, 75.56%) 2nd: Marksman (33/43 points, 76.74%) 3rd: Buccaneer (33/45 points, 73.33%) 3rd: Paladin (33/45 points, 73.33%) I should note that I first made the questions, answered them myself and then categorised all questions with points.