i have 1.280.700 NX and wondering what the best way to spend it is, do i gacha all of it? do i sell AP resets? can i share it with ppl? like gift something to someone?
You keep it for yourself and gamble at gachapon like a good little addict put npc chat on y and just hold it for nice server spam
I mean, i've got like 5b so money isnt the issue.. i just feel like doing something like selling 100APR for 1meso each, but i know someone will buy all if i put them in store, so idk.. I kinda wanna swap from fire/poison mage aswell, but i dont know what to play, Like im a nasty metaslave and i got the funds for being one, just dont know what's best since i've been off for like 1-2 years
use it for urself, but if u want to gift some, i remeebr some guy who smegaed some questions about himself,like what my favorite song?, and whoever got the right answer give a gift, i got 2 cs that day, and it was fun, u can do some contest at forums aswell... and gift part of it
Dummy gach for me so I can get the good stuff with my 1m nx. Thank. In seriousness though, you can choose to try your luck on gach or just make guarunteed mesos from APR. Can potentially give away gach rewards too if you want to give away APR.
If you feel like gifting, you can gift me hahaha ( not being a beggar ). I mean what's more fun than being a sweet person and sharing the love with others ?
i've been giving away some aprs left and right, but also making a wash sin.. but i need guides on fast xp... im 2 days in and only 42 (im lazy)