How does hero's will work on this server? i see no cooldown on it, it says master level 10 but can only add 1 point into it. The description says put more points into it and you will increase the amount of abnormal conditions you can nullify. I would like to see what it can nullify for each point and no cd seems strange.
I was also wondering about the no cool down as well. The mastery level is 1, but I'm not sure why it would be 10 because you can't go beyond level 200. I know that people have a lot of 4th job points left after, but I don't think GMS would make this hiccup.
I am pretty sure hero's will is suppose to have a cool down, and the more you add the less cooldown it has.
Hero's will is somewhat bugged indeed. In v62 it's supposed to have 5 levels. Starting with 10mins cooldown at lvl 1, recuding the cooldown by 60 secs each level. Atm it says it doesn't have a cooldown, but it does. As far as I'm aware it's the 10mins cooldown.
Nice im also used to the 5 levels and 10 min cd i really think this should be fixed since it will greatly help surviving Horntail. Now i wanna change from trivial to major
How exactly do more cooldown from no cooldown help more? Isn't no cooldown more profit for you? Not saying it shouldn't be fixed, but you say if it get cooldown it helps survive HT F3
It doesn't, but atm the skill says it has no cooldown while in fact it has a 10min cooldown. (like it's supposed to have on level 1) Making the max level 5 like it's supposed to be and reduce the cooldown each level will make it a bit easier, somewhat.
ooooo. I have read it wrong, my bad. Yeah okay, that's indeed bad if you can't upgrade the skill to make it have less cooldown. Apologize for the mistake in my reading.
I have the issue where after I use hero's will, i have to use a potion before i can attack or use any other buff
Good to know the problems with the skill, will likely help fixing it. And thanks to the kind soul from changing from trivial to moderate, (even though i wanted game breaking) Needed to fix the grammar lolz
So is the consensus here basically that the text is wrong and there is nothing wrong with the actual skill? So it should say that max level is 3, and that it has a cooldown?
In GMS, it had a 10 minute cooldown at level 1, decreasing 60 seconds per level - so a 5 minute cooldown at level 5. The max level should state 5, not 10. I believe the major issue is the not being able to put more than 1 point into the skill.
I've found a couple of sources on the web that show that in 2007 shortly after 4th job was released that the maximum level was indeed 1. This would explain why in the v0.62 Skill.wz it is only showing 1 level. The problem with the max mastery level being 10 is an issue caused by the Hero's Will quest itself and we can fix that and update all characters so that it shows mastery level 1. In my opinion I think the major issue relating to the 10 minute cooldown of Hero's Will would be that mob skills do not currently have a working cooldown. Meaning a monster could use Seduce 2 times in a row and ignoring the cooldown time specified in the Skill.wz MobSkill.img
I dont know how any of that works but i think you shouldn't be able to use hero's will every time you get seduced. But i also think if it's possible and not to much of a work to change the skill so you can get a lower cd on it, i'm not sure if its really that necessary since it's only like Horntail that use seduce and you can survive that.