This is my top speed wiht nothing else running....My average download speed is about 300kb/s when legit downloading, this download speed is false. I've been to 160kb/s avg recently too, don't know what's up with Telus. It takes me about...10-11 hours to download the 6.5gb Maplestory, not even joking, I need to leave it overnight for it to finish donwloading.
My speed test results are, Downloadspeed:1.787Mbps Uploadspeed:0.837Mbps I checked my internet speed test here . Is this good or not?
Back in the old days, getting internet explorer running nad loading up google within 3 minutes wasn't bad. Everyone here has optimal speeds, When really, my speed is enough to play many games.
lol I remember when my download speed was 0.5MBPS.. Of course, back in the days it wasnt so bad. ((I miss the old interent-when we didnt have facebook ))
You say 0.5Mb/s like it's something terribly anceint, but I still have 0.3mb/s if I legit download anything atm. LOL Sometimes it even drops to 150kb/s
Running MapleRoyals, AND running things for test server AND on Wireless my results were, and also testing in the Dallas area from Jacksonville, FL at my moms house
I'd say my net is pretty fast. I can have a stream, MapleRoyals, and a completely different online game up with basically no problem. Yay, monopoly Comcast!
There's a common misconception here, in that download speed on your computer is usually measured in bytes (B) and advertised internet speed is usually in bits (b). This usually works out to a 10x difference with the overhead associated with the internet protocols, so when he says 0.5Mb/s (500Kb/s) that's a download speed of 50KB/s. Ie, he means something significantly slower than what you have now. I remember when we used to have an 80MB cap on our dialup (way way back when we first got internet), when we switched to unlimited dialup it was so amazing to not have to limit the number of webpages you looked at each day!
I'm pretty sure everyone replying here was referencing their download speed as displayed by browsers which is in the byte standard. But yes @pokemon1188 Mudkipz, your reported download speed is correct. 2.79mb/s (bits) is ~0.34mB/s (bytes) 1 byte = 8 bits.