First, the mapowner delay is being exploited by people who can own and camp multiple maps because they're able to juggle multiple channels because it's not immediately lost by leaving the map or ccing. This means clowns are reporting other players for ksing even though they're exploiting the mapowner delay, which is totally unsporting and makes no sense anyway. 2nd, multiple accs and chars are used to do it, or people place holding for others. I think it shouldnt be considered "KSing" unless the actual mapowner is active in the map, and not just holding. Should be fair game. Sounds like a grey area but if anyone wants to report anyone in these scenarios, the logs will speak for themselves. As for leeching, if you cant npc before mystic door is up, find another way to make money Additional thoughts: -Add the four missing channels to the server channel tabs -dont allow map ownership from more than one character from the same ip address to stop multi account hogging
Most leech sellers are fp mages with level 81 priests, so that way they can HS without gaining exp. They only have a level 1 door. I'm all for losing map ownership the second you cc though.
~mapowner system is indeed flawed, but this system has been in play for a good amount of time and actually making use of it to protect the leecher/buyer from malicious players. Meanwhile map hogging a certain boss map might not be as easy as one thinks and a certain amount of effort is actually needed to juggle between 20channels meanwhile keeping boss spawn timer.
Just work door into ownership. People pause leech all the time. Multiple doors is fine if door could keep the ownership. And how could that be exploited?
Its unsporting and bullshit. It shouldnt carry over whatsoever, it's not fair to anyone except the one exploiting it. Robbing banks isn't easy or fair but people still get away with it. I dont care how difficult it is to juggle all that, it's only an exploit
This is already in effect tho. A character can't claim ownership of a map with someone else's mapownership imprinted. If the actual mapowner is absent in the map, you are free and welcome to compete for the next mapownership in the hope your attack will land at the right timing vs the character who was trying to occupy the map. If ccing causes the loss of mapowner, this might and most likely will apply when someone disconnects as well. As I've stated before, the previous suggestion by GM Sof "Let the previous mapownership expire when a 2nd one is gained" is by far the best and fairest solution. It covers accidental dc or cc.
That's definitely not how it works and anyone who spends time in oblivion 5 knows this. I've cc'd into an empty map, spawned a lykax and began soloing it, when someone ccs in and ends up being mapowner and then reports me. Its garbage
Like above @sparky95 shared. You do have the opportunity to compete for the mapowner or use similar tactics as the other player for a friendly mapowner competition. Why not maybe enter the map, check for ~mapowner then once you notice that it isn’t taken, proceed to clear the mobs and try your luck to spawn and collect the timer for that particular channel’s lyka?
You gotta understand how the current system works. That person (most likely mango3), keeps the respawn timer. He attacks 1 mob in multiple channels that are about to have lyka regen. Mapownership lasts exactly 3min since one last attacked any mob in the map. The channel you entered was still under 3 minutes since he last claimed the mapownership hence that person came back and reclaimed the mapownership.
ownership should break after change channel or limit multiclients finaly in royals to like 2 per user max ~ to much abuses around with it ( they took it far with alt tab summon click semi-afk but good it got removed last year) in other hand (second thought) about owner remove after change channel it will cause issue with tracking hackers that just change channel so again we will win someting and lose something else summon farming on mutliclients got stop but now it's kinda annoying as main mage or any job with summon because everything summon touch/kill we need to manual loot ¯\_(-_-)_/¯ not eazy just make change
1. Change channel and lose mapownership 2. Miumiu merchant This should solve the problems on lyka map conflicts and leecher sellers. Just my thoughts
I don't know if that idea is good, because it makes it harder to catch hackers with the new auto cc hacks
Ah fudge never thought of that ... Let's assume it'll only happen when a fully functioning autoban is implemented .
I remember in old source, mapowner also showed the previous owners of that map and the duration. If such mapowner history log is added, it may solve the auto cc hacker tracing issue.
This issue seems heavily related to Lyka farming. The current system is successful in my opinion for almost every other aspect (outside of maybe BF hunting). I d/c sometimes and would not like to lose my ulu1 map during hot hours etc. Coding mystic door to claim ownership would most likely be difficult and time consuming which isn’t worth the time for our dev. In the time he could implement that code he could be coding a new region/event. Also I was in full support of the auto summon loot nerf since I can manage my clients accordingly. I can do one ulu2 mage and 8 stopper farmers; I am fully using these channels with full intent to kill on each and every one of these characters. In addition, there are plenty of players who use multiple ulu channels like myself because we can handle 2-3 ulu maps at once with 4-6 mages. This is why I generally dislike the lyka community. I will agree lyka farmers twist and push the mapowner power as far as possible. The only way I’d be in favor of those changes if they specifically made it for Oblivion 5. Time and time again it shows you lyka farmers can’t be nice people to each other: ie: RoyalCupcake vs World on the community blacklist.