Helloo everyone, I'm Jet. I've played Maple since approximately mid/late 06-early 07, I don't remember honestly. The first major patch I remember was Pirates though. However, I've been on a nostalgia kick with GMS recently and I stumbled upon this server, so I'm giving it a shot and would like some people to train with, and talk to as I play it. c: I'll be making a Sin. I've always played them since I first started maple and it's my favorite class, so I'll be sticking with that. My IGN is Octavia if you'd like to add me!
Good luck starting up. The optimal build for a Sin is to go Dexless until you get your hands on your end game claw at around 100-110 (Red Craven/Dragon Sleeve).
Most private servers are like that and some people even use their obscure IGN from their original GMS character.