I'm sure the items are working correctly, except the ETC drops they took out, for a good reason. You could actually get a yellow adv cape from the showa exchange quest from these etc items. Making this cape really common. Same goes for the night fox tails (they'd give bwg on exchange)
this is from bbb.hiddenstreet. Home ยป Monsters Nightghost Nightghost Level: 60 HP: 7,100 MP: 100 EXP: 220 Mesos: 280-420 KB: 500 Etc. drop: Ghost Headband Common equipment: Fan, Red Whip Warrior equipment: Green Ice Queen (F),Serpent's Coil, Red Katana Magician equipment: Dark Seraphis Bowman equipment: Red Tai (M) Thief equipment: Serpent's Coil, Umber Mantis (F), Bronze Identity, Jurgen Wristguard Pirate equipment: - Ore drop: LUK Crystal Ore, Aquamarine Ore Maker item: - Useable drop: Ramen, Grape Juice,Yakisoba (x2), The Magic Rock, The Summoning Rock, Steely Throwing-Knives,Dark Scroll for Cape for INT 70%, Dark Scroll for Overall Armor for INT 70%, Dark Scroll for Helmet for INT 30%, Dark Scroll for Cape for DEX 30%, Dark Scroll for Claw for ATT 30%, Dark Scroll for Dagger for ATT 30%
@Windmax how much have you been hunting there? Could've been simply bad luck not getting the scrolls you wanted
Hmmm dun think so got cape int from there 60% claw 10% dex cape 10% dagger 10% at one point i got like 66 int cape in store ask tim i think he bought a few than~
Can confirm they don't drop other scrolls than 60% cape int, 10% claw att and 10% cape dex. Possibly due to what @Xenon said. The drops they originally have are really OP.
Yes, the drops were revamped a few months ago, because they were mostly missing. The scroll drops are a mixture of bbb.hiddenstreet and mapletip.com now, iirc. I initially messed up and used mapletip instead of bbb.hiddenstreet as a reference for drops, but when we took a look at the bbb.hiddenstreet scroll drops, we realised that they were very OP.
I don't think they're OP. 30% Dark Scrolls are really rare compared to other scrolls when it comes to being dropped by mobs and Claw 30% is always in demand. Since the spawn there is below average at best, this can provide lower level players to farm a bit here.
I realize this thread is a few weeks old, but did you guys also revamp the drops on the monster "Crow", which is in Zipangu too? I have been hunting 30% shoe jump scrolls for over 8 hours already, and I have only found one. In another private server that only had 1x drop rate I was able to get about 1 scroll per hour, and this summer while playing on MapleRoyals I was also able to find about 1 per hour. Was this changed to make these scrolls extremely rare? I still find 30% Helmet DEF and 10% Gun ATT regularly.