Item "Grim Cemetery" seems to disappear from your inventory entirely after you sort it. If you trade it, the item seems to be gone forever; however, if you drop it (if you have "two" in inventory) one will drop and another will stay in the inventory.
it happens for all the nx items tat dont have the number for how many there is when u sort them into a stack
So you're saying they haven't disappeared, they are just stacked and do not show stack number? So you can just pull the 'missing' one off the stack and you are back to 2?
Ye. Its a known bug. It pops up in bug reports everytime theres an event which gives nx effects like valentines
It's the same with the MY GF/BF, Looking for Love, Pumping Heart, and other nx affects too. Edit: wtf when I clicked on this, there were no comments o-o why'd they all load now lol