It took a while and i was lazy to upload! so here;s the whole series of my beginner -->thief >> NL ^^ and the mile stones~ date is shown on the top grey bar of the screen shot first up! Using Onyx apple for 2nd Job advancement~ #achievementunlocked HEHE #hopei;mthefirst XD
Lvl 50 milestone~ thank goodness for CPQ EDIT: just realised the timing isn;t shown if it;s full img.! screenshot as at 13/10/14 and 14/10/14
Last but not least, today's accomplishment! XD #TheNextMileStone #12000HP OBTAINED ^^ #Finally,AnNL DDDD
19x Club! Make a Progression thread! Also, too many useless skill on shortcuts! All you need is Invincible, Magic Guard, Maple Warrior and Holy Symbol