When i hit lvl 120 i put 1 point in rush and the rest in beholder. I then noticed it didn't raise my range as it should because its bugged. (Hoping they fix it) But What should i start putting my skill points into as a DK? I think beserk is pointless at the lower lvls because i'm not hoping to get my hp below 11% to do more dmg. Should i just start out on power stance, and i'm assuming hex, and the other beholder buff don't work? And then when power stance is maxed just work on beserk, cause i've been grinding on BF's and HH so far.
My skills right now at 152 are 20 Power Stance, 20 Rush, 20 Zerk, 8 Beholder, 1 Hex, and 10 left over for when I pass Stance 30