Was at Auf Haven with a Squad today: NLs Paladin Shadowers Bishops Corsair All were able to attack mid air, only us Shadowers couldn't :/ Will we ever be able to attack mid air too or wasn't it implemented because it's a bit more difficult to code and thus got delayed for a future update? So tedious to not be able to attack her and just having to essentially wait for her to get back to you. Also this thread suggested that warriors should be able to attack mid air too, the Paladin did attack mid air, without having to get back down in between each attack. Does that mean they recieved the ability to attack too and it just wasn't mentioned in the patch notes? Or were they able to do so in the first place? In any case, is this even being considered to change? So that BMs/MMs/Shadowers/Drks/Heros/Buccs (i don't know if they can already) or will this not be changed for any other class besides Corsair? I mean it'd literally be just for this map and not for all maps as it'd change gameplay for some classes heavily. As that particular map forces to "float" or "fly". Asking for a friend @Matt
@Tect is correct, warriors could already hit in auf map while floating before the update. Only corsairs were updated in this patch. I suppose archers, shadowers would have their respective fixes once the devs figure out how to.
this is tagged not possible still. but from what i understand every class but shadower has the ability to attack while flying in auf now?
Finally brought arch mages to auf Can confirm they cannot attack in air so not sure why people are claiming bishops can in this thread. They probably used Genesis on a platform before getting hit. A big fat shame because F/P might be an auf pinner (!!!) otherwise (but then again there's stun and all that... can't really test when I can only attack 30% of the time)