Hello, all. Since I have made this maybe 5 months ago, I'm going to test if this works for all classes except mages. (if someone offers, I'll try to code for mages.... ) Take this case for an example, you need to pm me with these information listed below: Besides, it's suggested to tell me if you plan to replace your bandana with a zak helmet with higher int or Silver Deputy Star with egged htp and so on. I strongly believe this will give you a much more precise solution. (but still testing) (btw, if you're still thinking if you should spend a little more for better int gears or pay more for those leechers with mw20. I think I can give you a useful suggestion.) The result will be something like this: (take 30k corsairs with some int gears for example) As for fees..., it's free to everyone (but I'll only log in to reply when free). As for VIP sponsors, I'll tell you how to find me via PM and try to reply ASAP. (It's absolutely up to you. If you're not satisfied with the result, all fees will be returned to you. ) Mushroom appreciate your help for a pair of warm shoes in this winter...
Level 1 is 100hp 100mp? If so can I try -Req Level 135 -Req HP 15,000 -Current HP: 100 -Current MP:100 -Current Int:4 -Job: Bowman -MW:10 -HP Related: None Did I put enough info?
I was wondering if you could calculate with just total int needed. Cause if I need like 300 lets say, I can calculate how much int gear I have/should buy. I currently have around ~110int in INT gear if that helps.
-Req Level 135 -Req HP 9800 -Current HP: 2587 -Current MP: 1744 -Current Int:57 -Current Lvl:72 -Job: Hermit -MW:None -HP Related: None -No int gear My question is how much base int will i need without int gear to get to 9800? Is it possible if my lvl is 72? If it is how much int do i need to continue to raise when lvling inorder to hit 9800 by 135?
Make sure if it's hermit or NL. If the MP is clean (without gears), you need to reach 140 int first in the following leveling up. btw, you'd better to check with me again after finishing 3rd job advancement (since this calculator is still under testing).