Neo Tokyo Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by FuminoAya, Jan 4, 2020.

  1. FuminoAya

    FuminoAya Donator

    Nov 10, 2017
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    just giving my insights of how i experienced the Neo Tokyo update.

    -The storyline is one of the best, if not the best storyline in the game. That's amazing as it keeps one just going for the next quest after the previous ones wanting to know more about the happenings.
    -the HP requirements are okay from my point of view, but others might feel different about it. feel free to express your personal experience in the thread
    -the mobs and quests give a fair amount of EXP making grinding there fun since they also drop valueable equipment pieces
    -Auf Haven only drops one circlet per run. That circlet seems to have the godly system applied automatically with it having 7/7/7/7 stats at most
    Is this correct? or was it just luck to have the godly system applied on 2 of my helmets?

    -The droprate of silver coins is far too low -> buff either the droprate or reduce the amount of silver coins required to create both the new throwing stars and new bullets
    1 Balanced Fury costs about 800-850m
    to craft one Magical throwing knife one needs 800 silver coins ( usually about 1m each ) plus 500m mesos and a few grindable ingredients that don't cost too much, putting the cost for one throwing knife to about 1.3b~1.4b - yes those stars are rechargeable in Mushroom Shrine and it's a bit more convinient so they should cost slightly more than Balanced Furies which are rechargeable only in NLC, but from my perspective they should be 150-200m more than Bfuries at most, putting them at a cost of about 950m-1b - to reach that price the amount of silver coins required to craft a knife should be reduced to 400-500 silver coins.
    -the new armor piercing bullet requires also 500m mesos, a few grindable ETCs from bosses and also 800 Silver coins.
    Let's be honest, it's still NL Story and everybody wants throwing stars and not corsair bullets. If these bullets are supposed to be a viable option for Sairs the cost to craft them has to be significantly reduced. Currently the Eternal Bullets ( Lvl 110 ) +20wa cost about 1m-3m mesos - i guess sairs have atleast like 20 sets of these? so 20m-60m mesos for them.
    to create 20 sets of Armor-Piercing Bullets the cost would be 1.3-1.4b / set = about 26b-28b in total. Nobody is going to buy silver coins to make those bullets except for maybe @sparky95
    -Reduce the cost to create Armor-Piercing Bullets to about 700-800m in total for 1 set -> for example 300 silver coins 400m mesos and the other ETC ingredients.
    -i feel like the supply of silver coins in general is really low. In order to increase the supply either buff the drop rate of Silver Coins from common mobs, which might increase hacking in this area, lower the amount required to create Magical Throwing Knives / Armor-Piercing Bullets, which just creates more of the bullets / knives or increase the amount of coins dropped from Bosses. Since this is an endgame area people would probably boss daily there to get a good amount of coins.
    -There is no female thief equipment dropped by any of the mobs in Neo Tokyo. Im not sure if that's the only specific set of equipment that is not dropped, but if there are other equipment pieces
    missing in the droptable of the mobs, please feel free to reply to the thread, i'll edit this part then.
    -Shadowers, Marksmen, Bowmasters and Buccaneers aren't able to attack in the Auf Haven Boss map mid air while flying - making her an absolute hassle having to touch the ground every single time, before being able to cast the next attack. Taking dmg forces one to slightly fly above the ground, having to "float" back down to be able to cast the next attack too. that's just annoying and obliterates any dmg output calculations entirely
    -This thing

    So far i heard of two people having those scrolls:
    One dropped 2 Scrolls in 15 Auf Haven Runs
    The other dropped 2 Scrolls in 5 Auf Haven Runs
    4/20 = 1/5 = 20% dropchance~ i assume

    With the miracle scrolls +4 each stat, 5% success chance one would need statistically 400 5% miracle scrolls and 400 white scrolls to finish one circlet making it by far the best endgame helmet. Sure 87 all stat (it's for the meme :p ) is nice, but 400 White scrolls? Eh... I mean i haven't even dropped a single miracle scroll in those 3 auf haven runs i did.
    Am i just unlucky or does one need to run the entire "PQ" 1600 times to get 400 miracle scrolls (assuming the droprate is 25% for a miracle scroll, if it was, let's say 10% drop chance, it would be 4000 runs to get 400 of them).

    I think the one helmet per run with godly system applied on each helmet is fine, so it still takes a good amount of runs to get a 7/7 or 7/7/7 circlet for people, however the miracle scroll droprate and success chance are just absurd low.

    I think it would be reasonable to increase to success rate of a miracle scroll to 10% - which is still very low and increase the drop chance of a miracle scroll to 100% so that 3 scrolls drop each run - and still requires approximately 200 white scrolls to finish, which aren't just a few. Why 3 scrolls? Well usually you go there with 3 people trying to split up mesos - currently that just isn't viable due to the low droprate of the scroll and nobody willing to invest 400 WS into a helmet.

    So in the worst case it's 200 WS and 200 miracle scrolls (200 Auf Haven runs for the scrolls) to create a perfect circlet. That is ofcourse just the average.
    Currently the last neo tokyo PQ is just not viable, apart from doing it the first time for the experience (actual experience of doing it lol), the EXP and to finish the amazing questline.

    Neo Tokyo PQ:

    The Royal Guard and Blaze Core are absolutely doable and fun aswell.
    However with the recent change, that warrior's rush cannot be used on the Auf Haven map the intention of people doing this entire PQ has been entirely crippled to the point where my guild and me decided to just do it for the meme. Doing this boss as a melee is an absolute pain, and for anybody not playing a 30k HP washed Shadower it's pretty damn difficult to survive this monster of a boss.

    Since rush doesn't work anymore on this map, and 30k HP Buccaneers are rather rare ( though they'd still die damn fast at this insane boss ) there is just no more reliable crowd control for this Boss.
    Maybe Paladins who consistently hit above 140k dmg are nice there?
    Even with the insane ( borrowed ) equipment, i wasn't able to knockback her often enough to keep her in the left corner. she'd just perma stun me or seduce all of us together lol.

    Im all in for a difficult, demanding and challenging party quest / content, however, buffing neo Tokyo PQ drop wise as suggested above and making us able to attack mid air would be amazing to say the least - please.

    Here's a short compilation of the Neo Tokyo PQ - and this is how it usually goes.

    "Im 26k"
    "Im safe"

    Feel free to post your experience or ideas on how to change Neo Tokyo, Crafting in Neo Tokyo or the last Boss PQ in order to make it viable.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2020
    MaiAh, Kung, KittehIshMad and 11 others like this.
  2. AhLiGaddo

    AhLiGaddo Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    20 slots helmet jesus christ
  3. Johnny

    Johnny Donator

    Mar 23, 2016
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    I personally didn't do all the quests up to Auf Haven but in my perspective it seems quite underwhelming for the amount of effort you put into it really. From my understanding Auf Haven drops a variety of different types of scrolls for the helmet and the helmet itself. The best in slot earring (tradeable) doesn't even come from the final boss, it drops from Dunas - which could be killed solo'd or duo'd mindlessly if you have enough HP to sustain the damage reflect. I suggest moving the Element Pierce Earrings to Auf Haven (with a drop rate increase) or maybe add Chaos Scroll/White Scroll to the drop table so more squads would/may want to attempt this boss more. Maybe increasing the amount of helmets dropped too (comparable to zakum 2-5?)
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2020
  4. EZFebreezy

    EZFebreezy Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    blasted into the sun
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    Just release the lvl 115 weapons (with a secondary stat modification to be a little more than the dragon weapons) and add them to auf haven pls
    wixobigil123, NTR and xDarkomantis like this.
  5. sparky95

    sparky95 Donator

    Sep 21, 2016
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    Take away cs drop from lyka and add to auf haven >:D.
    Yakamoz, silv, DeJia and 14 others like this.
  6. FuminoAya

    FuminoAya Donator

    Nov 10, 2017
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    There are 2 scroll types that drop from Auf Haven.
    one being the 5% miracle scroll you see in the picture up there and another type with the following stats.

    +3 str 60% success chance, if fail 50% destruction of the item chance

    +3 dex 60% success chance, if fail 50% destruction of the item chance

    +3 int 60% success chance, if fail 50% destruction of the item chance

    +3 luk 60% success chance, if fail 50% destruction of the item chance

    Making her able to drop CS/WS, more helmets, more 5% and 60% auf haven scrolls and moving the endgame earrings as a drop with a higher drop chance to her, instead of Dunas, really makes sense.

    Incentivizing party play instead of Solo Gameplay is a step in the right direction.
    NTR, Jayce, Geyforlife and 1 other person like this.
  7. FuminoAya

    FuminoAya Donator

    Nov 10, 2017
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    sounds brilliant to me, make Lyka drop something else interesting instead such as a bunch of different types of 30% scrolls, gelt chocolate and 10 % clean slate scrolls. Since you know the other Temple of Time Area Bosses drop Clean slates already too.
    icedem0n and NTR like this.
  8. Jooon

    Jooon Donator

    Mar 5, 2015
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    Difficulty and Challenging Aspect?
    It’s beautiful. Well made, especially after the Rush has been fixed.
    Skills such as Dark Sight/Hyper Body is actually used in a really careful manner.

    Mechanics wise, Players have to rely on dealing enough damage to knockback Auf.
    Fixing the “NLStory” Problem where players With classes such as paladins, Buccs becomes that much popular to constantly deal enough Damage to KB making them the main “class” to this content.

    A basic skill level is required as well.
    With seduce on such a low cooldown, Dispel and hey even zombify which messes up your momentum with that 50% healing power elixir.

    MultiClienting, the absolutely most broken mechanic of MapleRoyals in this boss is tough to execute as well.

    Do players like these challenge?
    I’m pretty players who dedicates hours and hours into this Server would scream, Yes.

    But Why isn’t players participating in this Boss?

    Today you can easily ask, anyone wanna do auf? The reaction would probably be somewhere across,
    “uhm, i rather horntail or Continue farm/leech-ing”

    Current mindset around is, oh i spend my precious after work/school playtime , an good amount of coordination, effort and of course Apples on a boss. Cool. Whats the Reward
    2-4 5k NX. To split among 6 people.
    Rest of the drops are, Questionable.

    Having such an amazing end game attraction without partipants is indeed very. Sad?
    Doubt an average 2-3 auf are even challenged in a week.

    There are contents that can be included
    Flairgraves that are not included
    CS/WS mentioned above that is always attractive to players. Especially the 520mil market price now oof.
    10K NX cards
    Adjust that auf haven helmet scroll to a lower boom rate.
    Charu, Jesseh, GleamKnight and 6 others like this.
  9. FuminoAya

    FuminoAya Donator

    Nov 10, 2017
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    i'd argue against that. i feel like the lvl 115 weapons would be somewhat out of place. they have this big bang-esque feel to it, they don't even have their "own" visuals. it's just copypasta from the NX weapons. also the level increments for most regular weapons are 10 levels. Yes there are exceptions but i think like the next step would be adding pink bean.
    Not to mention that people who go for the lvl 115 weapons ( now ) would be kind of disappointed to, again, upgrade at such a late stage of the game towards the lvl 120 reverse / timeless weapons.
    This might be an entire own thread worthy but there is a necessity for the lvl 110 weapons to actually first kill pink bean and then pass on the lvl 110 weapons onto the "newer" endgame players so that they can get their lvl 120 weapons too, if they ever decide to stick to that one class that is. Also adding the lvl 115 weapons being equally strong, or slightly ahead of the lvl 110 weapons would also devalue the current lvl 110 weapons since both would be tradeable i assume. So going lvl 110 -> lvl 120 would make more "sense". atleast to me

    Edit: we've been blessed by our creator

    Last edited: Jan 8, 2020
  10. Dave Deviluke

    Dave Deviluke Forum Moderator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    MapleRoyals Discord
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    They do read the threads on the forum, but it's hard for them to comment as players could take the reply as the official stance of the Staff instead of views as a player as well
    FuminoAya likes this.
  11. JacobSCA

    JacobSCA Donator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    All I can really say in regards to Neo Tokyo is that I haven't gotten passed Vergamot because on all 16 attempts I've made on the boss, I've crashed even with gfxing.
    xDarkomantis likes this.
  12. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    (Reposting this since Paperflower wanted to see)

    I don't get this suggestion... Why kill any motivation to even touch Neo Tokyo from a low/mid-tier player perspective? Not everyone is 20k+/30k HP and/or lv200 like the people that currently(or use to) do Auf Haven... Currently, Vergamot~Nameless Magic Monster(and a bit of Dunas v2 too) is accessible to the average player with minimal washing and Element Pierce Earrings are a good motivator for people to go through those bosses. If you gatekeep these players by moving EleP to Auf Haven, there's no reason to do Neo Tokyo at all and this further enforces heavy HP washing by newer/mid-tier players. And besides, wouldn't Element Pierce become 2~4b+ because only the elite players/guilds can reliably do the boss? ~f12 That brings me to the next point...

    This is what the Neo Tokyo bosses currently look like to a mid-tier player:

    [ ] Vergamot

    [Element Pierce earrings] Dunas v1

    [ ] Nibergen

    [ ] Nameless Magic Monster

    [ ] Dunas v2

    [ ] Auf Haven

    This is what the Neo Tokyo bosses look like to a hardcore/elite player (in my opinion):

    [ ] Vergamot

    [Element Pierce earrings] Dunas v1

    [ ] Nibergen

    [ ] Nameless Magic Monster

    [ ] Dunas v2

    [Helmet to show off in FM/potentially scroll? ~f6] Auf Haven

    Element Pierce earrings seems to be the only reason to really go through Neo Tokyo currently (excusing the Star/Bullet craft). Beyond that, there's no apparent pull towards the content beyond being part of the elite/rich players to go to Auf Haven to scroll the endgame helmet or maybe trying to read the storyline (or card hunting). With no real value to be gained besides the earrings... Why do Neo Tokyo when one can do:

    • Zakum to earn exp, get some money, possibly have Gen20 to drop and make bank, and potentially reloot their current helm for a better/godly helm
    • Krex to get fat ass exp and loot nx/get a ring or godly ring (or sell the ring)
    • Papulatus for exp and potential 250+100/5k nx in <~10mins
    • Shao for fat ass exp at a small cost while taking 10mins with possible nx and be done for the day
    • Cwkpq for decent exp and BoN for potentially good items via Specs, BFC, weapons/clothing, Taos, & Gelts
    • Horntail with a crew/randoms to get exp and potentially make good money back via MW20, Gen30, & TT30
    Can you grind there? You definitely can even without the providence of HS since the mobs can offer good exp but honestly there's no push to do that when you can just do the daily bosses that I've listed for exp and get better rewards.

    At the moment, players who are interested in crafting a MTK have to get coins from the few people who even participate in the Neo Tokyo quests leading up to the bosses and/or the coins dropped from doing the bosses. The bosses drop around ~3 coins from what I've seen and you can only do 1 expedition a day for each boss.... and grinding the mobs for coins is a bit of a drag given the low drop rate (though this could be said otherwise for Drks/mobbing classes who can mob very easily in the Maverick/Over-After lord maps). It's not reasonable to expect more people to do Neo Tokyo, which would increase the amount of Silver coins, since as I mentioned earlier, there's isn't anything enticing to draw players to it.

    (On a side note: I grinded at Neo Tokyo for a little bit during the 1.5x event and it felt so good seeing coins drop with reasonable effort)

    @FuminoAya made a mistake in her OP. It's currently 1000 coins needed to make a single set of Magic Throwing Knife or Armor Piercing Bullet since you have to spend 200 coins unsealing a Sealed Wiseman/Saint Stone. Even with that, I'd say the current crafting recipe for the Magic Throwing Knife is at a good spot and should be untouched(especially if a coin drop rate increase is considered). I actually managed to craft a single set for 900m~1b unlike the other NLs trying to buy coins for 1.2~3m(???). Why anyone would pay more than 300~400m of the current Balanced Fury price (30 atk at ~900m) to create a Magic Throwing Knife (30 atk) is beyond me... However, for the Armor Piercing Bullet, I do think they need to be drastically reduced in recipe cost so there's actually a point in making them and there's more of an interest from Corsairs to do Neo Tokyo as FuminoAya mentioned in her OP.

    From what I can understand, Auf Haven was doable when rush was usable on the map. With Rush being unusable, Auf Haven is too difficult to consider doing especially with the current rewards from doing it. My guess would be to ease the difficulty since the Boss can no longer be "stunned" continuously along with spicing up the rewards for completing it. Since there's no information on the drop tables of Auf Haven (or the other bosses,) it's a bit difficult to make a suggestion on some additional rewards.

    [-]Reduce graphical intensity of Vergamot & Nibergen

    ---- I don't know if it's possible from a coding perspective but if it can be brought to the level of Zakum then it should result in less d/cs while doing those bosses

    [-]Move Stun-guard from Overlord's card effect to Protolord's card

    ---- I'm not sure why the Overlord's card effect has the Stun-guard when you're trying to kill Protolords, not Overlords, to complete the quest for the Tokyo PQ. By moving the stun-guard to Protolord's card effect, people can reasonably attempt to farm this mob for the etc needed for the quest as well as farm cards to reasonable success.

    [-]Increase drop rate of coins from mobs ranging from slight increase (10~15%) in Harbor area to a bigger drop (+20~30%) as you go through the higher area.

    ---- You don't want the Harbor area to have that much of an increase in coin drop, particularly the Afterlord monster, since it's very easy for a AM/BS to skill macro Afterlords in the Port map.

    [-]Increase coins from bosses from ~3 coins to 6~12 coins depending on the boss

    ---- n/a

    [-]Daily quest to kill x amount of mobs for random silver coins or reward

    ---- If a coin increase on mobs is unsatisfying, a daily quest to grind mobs to get a chance of coins would be cool. (note that silver coins wouldn't be guaranteed)

    [-]Reduce recipe cost of Armor Piercing Bullets

    ---- It's currently too high of a cost to garner interest for Corsairs to craft it.

    [-]Introduce Judgement (gun), Speargrave, & Flairgrave weapons but use VIP/Vistor weapon models and change the names of the weapons (i.e. Judgement sounds cooler than Flairgrave [Gun]~f6) and adjust stats to fit the server.

    ---- I agree with @resum on introducing the Neo Tokyo weapons. This would help garner interest in the content since it's new weapons to play around with and scroll. Make certain weapons craftable and/or dropable from certain bosses in Neo Tokyo (i.e. Claw is dropped from Auf Haven only while 1hand Axe could be craftable/dropped from Dunas v2). NOTE: These equips DO NOT have to be lv115 to make lv110 useless. Making the weapons be lv105 would be a nice medium between lv100 and lv110 equips and allows lv110 equips to still be valuable end-game gear (until Pink Bean comes out).

    [-]Add new scrolls to the Neo Tokyo bosses drop table (not including Dunas v1; That boss is fine currently)

    ---- Introducing Belt for STR/DEX/LUK/INT, Clean Slate, Chaos Scroll, or something of the like would be interesting in my opinion. Nameless Magic Monster having a chance of Belt for STR/DEX 30/60/70% and Dunas v2 having Belt for LUK/INT 30/60/70% as an example. As others mentioned, possible Chaos scroll for Auf Haven and clean slate.

    [-]MW20 SB added as low droprate to Auf Haven if difficulty remains

    ---- This is probably a stretch but I think it's reasonable if it had a low chance of dropping MW20.

    [-]Non-miracle Auf Haven scrolls increased success rate from 60 -> 70%

    ---- This would make the scrolls more satisfying to use in my opinion. It'd be akin to scrolling Snow Furr cape.

    [-]Add an alternative HP quest

    ---- Would seem fitting for end-game area to have HP quest here.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2020
    ilyssia, Yonglwh, GleamKnight and 3 others like this.
  13. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Some more I want to add:

    I was able to test out a new spot for Vergamot. Unfortunately it only applies to B2 as shown here:

    I suggest changing B1's laser distance to enable the dispel safe spot (from B2) on top of the ship crane so that it's more viable to bring a HS mule and/or a mage (on duo client) that can't be dispelled so often. The spot is still susceptible to missile attacks so people will have to be attentive.

    I know a lot of people will disagree but I think the Dunas v1's Attack UP buff should be removed. Is the point of Damage Reflect to be a HP barrier or a game mechanic that punishes inattentiveness? We know from Mu Lung Dojo's boss, Mu Gong (Panda), that Damage Reflect can be a sound mechanic in party play. Currently, on Dunas v1, the Damage Reflect with the Attack UP buff acts as a HP barrier rather than a sound game mechanic due to the fact that you're, face it or not, required to have a hefty amount of HP to "stand tall" over the boss. You're forced to have a present Drk or HB mule that can bring you over the boosted Damage Reflect damage rather than having a Drk/HBmule being a good aid akin to Paladins & Crash for Zakum...

    So if you're a bit lacking on HP that you require HB in addition to finding attackers, it makes the boss that much harder and more intimidating. And if attackers are intimidated by the boss due to having bad runs with no HB (i.e. I had a run without HB with 4 people, including myself, and 2 of the attackers died since they couldn't survive 1 damage reflect), that means less overall interest in the area and a drop in participants.

    Removing the Attack UP buff from Dunas will allow the boss to be more approachable if the party can't recruit a Drk/Atker w/ HB mule. Damage Reflect should punish you for being inattentive rather punishing you for not having enough HP due to Attack UP.

    Another thing I want to mention. When damage is being inflicted and you're in a party with a bunch of melee characters are standing over Dunas, it's hard to see whether or not the Damage Reflect is gone.

    Increase the size of Damage Reflect and make it pop out in front of characters/damage numbers or cover the body of Dunas v1 when it's up so that people can see it up or gone.

    Please... for the love of God... reduce the amount of Weapon Cancel this boss has! I thought it was learned that heavy amounts of Weapon Cancel is frustrating with pre-patch Scarlion & Targa. This boss isn't particularly difficult but exceedingly aggravating to fight due to the fact that Onyx Apples/Heartstoppers can be made redundant due to the amount of time spent not attacking the boss due to knock back, stuns, and/or melee'ing air due to the laser balls in addition to the excessive weapon cancels. So attackers feel inclined to use a Energizer/Witch Stew Pot which in turn makes fighting this boss even longer...

    • Body 1: Reduce the amount of cancels by 25~30% & increase summoned mobs
    • Body 2: Reduce the amount of cancels by 50%
    • Body 3: No cancels or sparingly 1~3 weapon cancels maximum because the ship should be in its most critical state that all it can do is keep shooting.
    • Also remove stuns if possible
    Can you guys make the bosses have a higher chance of card drop and better chance of nx (5k or nothing is disappointing..)? Also, some actual drops from these bosses would be appreciated. It's not unusual for there to be no card, no 5k nx, or even a nano plant with the rest of the loot consisting of a crystal and useless equips.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2020
    CerealnOats likes this.
  14. kyoko3102

    kyoko3102 Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2018
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    fix the gfx before everything else LOL
  15. FuminoAya

    FuminoAya Donator

    Nov 10, 2017
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    Play on VMware. It allows you to go to any boss without having to "gfx" ever again. It might not remove the graphical glitches, as those are still there sometimes, but it will prevent you from disconnecting 99.99% of the time when bossing, unless your internet dies ofcourse, but even without VMware you'd dc in this case.

    Here's a link to a guide:

    Set the properties of the Royals.exe to "Run in Mode for: Windows 2000" instead of the one mentioned in the guide.
    DeJia, ginwolf and Jooon like this.
  16. kyoko3102

    kyoko3102 Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2018
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    Thanks for the tip, but unfortunately i get this -2147XXXXX error which i raised in the technical help section. (nobody knows how to fix)
  17. FuminoAya

    FuminoAya Donator

    Nov 10, 2017
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    What kind of monitor are you using?
    Did you check the screen refresh rate (in Hz) in the settings? you can get there by right clicking the desktop i think. Set the screen refresh rate to 60Hz.

    Did you set the Compatibility mode to "Run in Mode for Windows 2000"?

    When i set it for example to Windows XP SP2 or SP3 i get the above error aswell. Try it with Windows 2000
  18. FuminoAya

    FuminoAya Donator

    Nov 10, 2017
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    Oh yes, also make sure to update Windows XP. You can get there through the system control panel and download the latest updates, you'll be redirected to the microsoft homepage, just let it download all updates. in my case royals wouldn't run before i download the updates.
    kyoko3102 likes this.
  19. NTR

    NTR Donator

    Oct 14, 2016
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    On that thread, click on the 2nd last page and follow what XTC says. Had the same prob, worked for me.
    kyoko3102 and FuminoAya like this.
  20. kyoko3102

    kyoko3102 Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2018
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    Appreciate the help but im on a mac(maxed spec 2019) so things might be different(which shouldnt be)

    *having ijl15.dll missing if i try to run as admin, out of memory error message if i try to re-install, -2147XXX errors if i run with w95 w98 ME 2000 3000 4000 compatibility
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2020

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