Change Drops & Dropchance for Temple of Time Area Bosses

Discussion in 'Closed' started by FuminoAya, Jan 16, 2020.

  1. FuminoAya

    FuminoAya Donator

    Nov 10, 2017
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    Hello i'd suggest changing or adjusting the drops for the temple of time area bosses.

    #1 Dodo
    He drops clean slate scrolls (1% pass chance, 2% boom upon failure)


    It's not the first time i killed ch1 all the way up to ch20 and not a single CSS has been dropped.
    Statistically one needs 100 clean slate scrolls (1%) to get a single slot on an item recovered.
    Assuming the droprate of a clean slate scroll is 10% - one needs to kill Dodo 1000 (!) times to get 100 clean slate scrolls.

    Assuming 2minute kills that's 2000 minutes or 33.33 hours wasted
    If the droprate currently is - even lower, well have fun..
    and it's not even certain that the slots are recovered, you could also end up destroying your item.

    #2 Lilynouch

    He also drops clean slate scrolls (1% pass chance, 2% boom upon failure)


    The same math applies here. and again, it's not the first time i cleared all channels with them spawning on every single channel, and no - no clean slate scroll from either one dropped.

    My Suggestion:
    Increase the current % drop chance of "clean slate scrolls 1%" to 50% for both Dodo and Lilynouch
    This way one still needs to kill 200 Dodos or 200 Lilynouchs and would only gain 100 clean slate scrolls 1%
    that's still 400 minutes or 6.66 hours invested, and since competition would increase significantly they'd be distributed more evenly among the community.
    not to mention that's 6.66 hours for an uncertain slot recovery invested.

    Then there's

    #3 Lyka
    He is probably one of the most camped bosses in the game since he has the chance of dropping a Chaos Scroll.


    And i know that there are threads open already regarding Lyka and the issues he creates, however i'll still mention it here ( again ).

    Suggestion #1 for Lyka:

    Remove Chaos Scroll from his droptable and put it onto some other major boss(es), such as the Neo Tokyo ones since they are 1. far more difficult to kill, fitting the endgame theme and are only 1 time / day.
    Either put it onto several bosses before Auf Haven, to Auf Haven or both.
    With that i'd suggest increasing the droprate of the chaos scroll significantly to something like 50% or so aswell since the neo tokyo bosses are only once / day.
    If it was moved to Auf Haven i'd suggest not only increasing the dropchance, but also the amount dropped. but there's a standalone thread already.

    Suggestion #2 for Lyka:
    Add a clean slate scroll 10% to the droptable of Lyka
    Since Lyka is one of the harder temple of time area bosses and has seduce i'd suggest like a 33% dropchance or so.
    This way he doesn't become obsolete and the clean slate drop fits since the other two area bosses have these already aswell.

    Feel free to discuss the suggestions
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2020
    Sen, Icato, Spaceboy and 6 others like this.
  2. NTR

    NTR Donator

    Oct 14, 2016
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    I'm neutral for the rest of the idea but I really support transferring CS from Lyka to the other bosses. I'm not fond of the fact that certain individual camp the spot 24/7, I don't think this is the sort of intention giving Lyka a slim chance of CS. It already drops 5k more frequently than usual from my observation anyways.
    Sen, Icato, Shnang and 4 others like this.
  3. Johnny

    Johnny Donator

    Mar 23, 2016
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    The main problem with this change is that (majority?) of people do the whole ToT quest line in hopes of finding and killing a Lyka for the chance at a Chaos Scroll. I think its quite underwhelming to kill those bosses for a chance at a Clean Slate Scroll. Back in the old source, ToT was much more popular because the spawn was great, there wasn't too many daily bosses, and Achilles 30 was sought out at Lilynouch (rip prices now).

    I think this needs to be compromised with either spawn/exp buff to make the maps more attractive for training purposes. Maybe adding an expensive ITCG item (Taru Totem or Narrican Jewel?) to Lyka's drop table instead of a Chaos Scroll? Or maybe introducing Piece of Time?
    Sen, Icato, xDarkomantis and 2 others like this.
  4. Memester

    Memester Donator

    Mar 18, 2015
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    What are you talking about? The maps are pretty much the best exp in the game currently.

    Edit: Meant best exp for grinding
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2020
  5. Johnny

    Johnny Donator

    Mar 23, 2016
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    For arch mages? Probably if you want the most exp/hr...? I'm pretty sure most people would just sell leech at petris/skeles since the exp/hr isnt significantly higher (maybe 1% more/hr?) and theres no quest required to get there.

    For any attacker, you're probably better doing your daily bosses such as shaolin/krexel/ht/bodyguard/toad for exp and if thats not enough for you, theres 20 channels of area bosses to look for (160 bigfoots, 20 anegoes & 20 samurais you can probably find a bunch) before even considering grinding if you are looking for efficiency. I would say its pretty good if you exhausted all your options and you are looking for a consistent but slower %/hour gain. I know warriors and shadowers can gain decent exp/hour at o4 because they can rotate well around the map but its really underwhelming considering theres so much bosses to do. Theres a reason why no one duos o4 anymore unfortunately. Solo is just painfully slow...

    Which is still mediocre to bossing hence my suggestion of buffing the spawn/exp to create a smaller gap and a good reason to go through the whole quest line. If not then ToT is probably going to be dead content just like the current state of Neo Tokyo.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
    Sen, bacondagger, NTR and 1 other person like this.
  6. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    I think adding a alt HP quest or Evolving Ring to ToT would help increase participation in addition to a spawn/exp buff as you suggested.
    bacondagger and FuminoAya like this.
  7. Relmy

    Relmy Donator

    Aug 1, 2018
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    Ok. Ill start saying a few disclaimers.

    1.Im a tot lover. the music, mobs, their designs(who have an amazing history behind)and THE BOSES, i just love them,im the only person i know that actually enjoyed the quest line to the final map.So since i get to lvl 130-140 i dont remeber i went there almost every day, finally the last year i became a lyka "casual camper"(wich means a few days ive camped over 4-5 hpurs but most days i just try 1 time...)

    That being said ill reply ur ideas, wich i like a few...but i dont get your point,those are the changes you will like to see, but why? Theres other posts about lyka map created by ppl who tried to get a lyka 1 time and found a bunch of campers, got frustrated and post a thread about nerfing it..(instead of trying it again, if those ppl knew how many times i cassually go there and find pretty much a lyka in every ch..)but at least they got a point wich is.

    I dont like this----this a problem----change this----problem solved

    But i dont see any problem that u pointed to be solved. that to start, then...
    it is true that it feels like the css scroll droprate is lower than cs, idk, ive killed waaaay more lykas than dodos, and idk ive got around 3 from killing between 180-240 dodos(all the numbers u gonna see in my replys are from the LAST YEAR)
    Then i see a problem with your point of view ,actually 2 problems.

    1st is that ure making chances based on your own camping....i mean, do you think that ure the only one who is going to camp there? is like you want to cs an item and ask for a cs from gacha % increase bcs ure getting 1 cs from every 100 ticks...its like dude, buy a few... also css are reaaaaly low rate bcs its effect its pretty broken...even more in this v. of maplestory

    2nd.-Youre just counting the chances when using it, you thinked on the profits?or even the consecuences?
    a css 1% worth between 50-70m getting 100 in JUST 33 HOURS(u pointed on red but common 33 hours are nothing, theres ppl who plays 33 hours every 4 days lol) those are 5-7b for killing a reaaaally easy boss, and again in JUST 33 hours, thats why im shure the droprate isnt even 10% and its fine like that.
    it could be increased a bit, bcs it feels like 1-3% actually,or get to 10% but make all the tot bosses stronger and harder to kill. Because the consecuences of get those scrolls massively on the market are:

    Tons of css=price reduced=easy to buy=no risk(not much at least) to use=TONS of godly items on the market=perfect and godly items prices go down=the whole market goes to hell=ppl feell dissapointed/frustared bcs they lose tons of money=they quit=server gos to the hell
    ive got 2 of this here from over 400 killed, it feels even lower than dodo idk, for me they should drop those 3% css intead of the same that dodos,but they have to be waaaaaay harder to kill , same history, its a dangerous item, market should have only a few css
    *random user reply*

    *But Relmy what if im not a camper, having a hard ass boss there woulnt difficult to train?
    Nope, all the bosses are situated at a position who lets any char to grind withouth even face them
    *what about complete the line quest?
    Those bosses are alrdy easy to kill, all of them,they supose to be over lvl 135 i think, and they are as easy as headless horseman, would be bad a better challenge for those prizes...

    having a 50% chance of getting those scrolls is just the most broken thing in the world,NOPE
    1.-again, its not like designers are forced to put JUST cs dropchance to just 1 boss , i still dont get the "move it from here to there" they could add cs/ws dropchance to targa/scar/dunas/aufhaven if they want withouth removing anything, or just take it away entirely without putting in any other boss, PLEASE STOP THE "MOVING"

    2.-adding a 10% css droped from lyka............why......just why? have u think on the consecuences? again....and even worse 33% droprate...

    im guessing(bcs u never mentioned it) that your problem with lyka is that is being overcamped.Do you ever thinked that a 10% css can be EVEN MORE EXPENSIVE THAN A CS? wich would make the campers problem even worse? and not mention that if tons of 1%css are a problem per se....comon 10%..can be the end of the world...they could add 10%css to lyka or any boss? yeah but they have to be like 0.01% droprate..otherwise...

    the main reason isnt that exp is not good at tot, bcs actually it is,totally, it is great exp alrdy, the problem is that at those lvl ppl preffer to boss, intead of grinding, im not quite shure but i think ive got almost the same %exp/time as doing krex, and krex is limited to 2 per day for a reason...

    Do you think lyka camp is a problem? the solution is easy(altought dont know if its possible to make all of this changes)
    DONT have to remove/change any drops, just

    1.-Change the mapowner system:

    a.-the very concept of "my map" is nonsense. "ive been here for 9 hours, went to pee , and then some moron came and took MY MAP, its not fair..."
    ermm no, maps in a game like this are like sidewalks, u have the right to stand in one point for hours, but if you leave, ANYONE can stand at the same point, it belongs to the server not to a person, i dont have the right to push you away to stand where you are, but if u leave anyone has the right to stand at the same point(works for any map and free market aswell)
    a.1.- why did i said all this? easy, why on earth if i cc i keep the owning on the previous map?i dont see any other reason that for EXPLOITING THE MAPOWNING SYSTEM

    resum.-if i cc i should lost the owning of the map

    B.- dont allow anyone to keep the owning of multiple maps with multiclienting, same as listed, in my opinion just promotes the excesively camping(not just at lyka, anywhere)and exploiting

    if i just own the map where im at, with just 1 account camping is:
    1.-fair to everyone
    2.-actually challenging

    2.-Increase the time of spawn.- move it from 3 hours base to 6 hours base(in that case a LITTLE increase of css %droprate wouldnt be that bad)

    3.-make bosses harder to kill , more hp+more dmg+more exp, that way ppl cant make mules JUST to camp, and nobody would complain of the chance of getting a good prize...
  8. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Stop kidding yourself. If the experience was truly good, you'd see smegas for training parties at ToT which is frankly nonexistent at the moment. The experience at ToT is subar compared to doing Petrifighters while requiring more effort to get to the later maps. Petrifighters has one of the best hp/exp (beating out ToT mobs), good spawns on a compact flat map, is accessible through door/tp rock (and no preqs needed), and is used in one of the requirements for Krex/Krex ring.

    The problem with ToT is that there's nothing to really encourage people to do it due to having access to similar/better training maps (with less effort) and there's no reward (absent of Pink Bean which is doubtful to be released anytime soon). That's why I recommend adding a HP quest/Evolving ring to ToT so there's an incentive to do it in addition to buffing the general experience of ToT so that it's not beat out by leeching areas.
    FuminoAya likes this.
  9. Relmy

    Relmy Donator

    Aug 1, 2018
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    ermm do you know me?. if you dont i would preffer a "thats not true" or something like that. this seems disrespectfull
    it takes effort to get to the final map, so? petris is wanted bcs mages can 1 hit/its low lvl/ no pre quest needed, simply as that, tot isnt as unpopular as u think :)
  10. FuminoAya

    FuminoAya Donator

    Nov 10, 2017
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    bumping this in hopes of a change along with the next update/patch so this is not forgotten...
  11. Wonderstruck

    Wonderstruck Donator

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I've just reached the levels 100+ and doing the ToT quests. I fully agree and support increasing the exp of the montsters there. I think something like a 20% increase would be nice but I'll leave the details to the expert developers of our server.
  12. FuminoAya

    FuminoAya Donator

    Nov 10, 2017
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    ty for the feedback i wish we get to see it in our generation haha

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