how gachapon odds work? Is it better to use more tickets at once, or if you use small amounts of tickets from time to time you have the same odds of getting a ws/cs scroll? A game I played had a set series of odds that encouraged gambling all at once in large numbers, it was random, but the prizes you got would be a series of Rank C x5 in a row, followed by a rank B prize on the 6th roll, although the prize was random, after a few repeats of this you would do C x5 and get Rank A. If a GM could input on if it is totally random or mathematical (random in a series of certain rank prizes, followed by a guarenteed epic or above prize) would be great.
I just build up tickets because walking back and forth between gach every time gets annoying. Of course you'll have more chances to obtain an item with more tickets, but the chance to obtain will still remain the same no matter what.
yeah. sometimes I gach with clothes on in game, sometimes I take my gear off to gach. sometimes @Gert takes his gear off, sometimes I even take off my clothes irl and I still only get 1chaos/500 tickets no matter what