Hello, 2 days ago I've voted and didn't get the xp I was supposed to get... I waited till yesterday because I thought it just takes time and opened a ticket in help but got no reply. can any1 help with a fix? Thanks in advance
hi just to double check, after entering your account id (*not character name) on https://royals.ms/?page=vote you did the verification on https://gtop100.com/ and clicked on the vote button it will show some green text that your vote is successful and redirect you to another page. this will give you nx in the cashshop, and not xp for your character.
Well I did it I'm pretty sure and also it went on cooldown after voting... so I don't think I did anything wrong
it should only take a few mins for the nx to register to your account, anyways you could vote every 24 hours so maybe give it another go and also give it a try on a different account this time e: you could also record the process of you voting and checking for nx so we could try and find out if any steps went wrong
I mean if u ask me I'm pretty sure it's a bug because it's a process I repeat on a daily basis... either way, do u think there's no way the mods could verifty and give me the nx?
i dont think they would be able to verify the process since its on gtop's site. again, you could consider recording the process as that would make for concrete proof. e: last thing i've forgotten to check w ya, Please ensure there is at least 1 character level 15 or above created on your account before voting!