WE DID IT TEAM!!! 14/4 > 17/3 > 22/2 S/B: 150b C/O: 76b: 20 att shoe 35b: 19 att cape 39b: cash @Yan @Shiyui (150bil) A/W: 180bil SALE DATE: 4/22/20 20:00 SERVERTIME Accepting att gear/perf weapons/1bcoin/ ws/cs @500m ea Perf Craven @ 25b Perf DPS/19luk@ 70b/60bil Perf Ski@ 28bil Perf DSB@ 30bil Perf ST@ 24bil 18 att cape @ 25bil 19 att cape@ 35bil 20 att cape@ 48bil 18 att shoes@ 46b 19 att shoes@ 61b 20 att shoes@ 76b 23 att gloves@ 34bil 22 att gloves @ 25bil please list your equips with a price tag next to them! thanks~ it'll make pricing things easier for me as i've attempted to look for prices Prices on your equips may be negotiable and i'll update my list~
s/b. would you accept 23 att fs as payment? i value them at 140-150b, was supposed to be sold for 150b but the buyer couldn't liquidate his items to gather the mesos. source: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/23-att-facestompers.144392/
I was hoping to take smaller att gear such as 20 att shoes/23 gloves/18~20 att capes (i'll do some pricing later on these too) i'll have to update what i'll be accepting in the next couple hours or so. but if no one else offers, i'll take it as S/B~ ~EDIT~ I've updated list of equips i'll take but if no one s/b i'll take this as SB. no ETA on sale date yet
@Yan Hey I've given it some thought and I would actually prefer listed equips please!. i'll give you time to liquidate/find etc to match the 150bil s/b
I’m willing to throw in 10b pure meso to Yan’s 23 att shoe offer. If you won’t take that as a starting bid though, I have a person and maybe two or three people interested in buying Yan’s 23 att shoe.
oof! that would be perfect if you have buyers that are interested in the FS already! I was just thinking it would be a hassle to try and find buyers for such a dank op FS. I'll update that as C/O of 23 FS +10bil
Just to confirm, if you want to take 23 FS + 10b, you’ll have to sell the 23 FS yourself. Interested buyers I hear about are IGNs Montague for sure, likely Ezion, and possibly Helicases.
@Yan and I are revising our offer. @Strategic will be buying Yan’s 23 att shoe and we’ll be keeping it in guild. We will S/B for 150b, as follows: 74b: 20 att shoe 35b: 19 att cape 41b: cash If you will accept a perfect 139/21 Sky Ski, let us know your valuation for that.
also @DragonBear , I literally just bought my 20 att FS for a 76b valuation. can we call the shoe 76b?