I'm still looking forward a 4k client, didn't spend 2000$ on my gaming PC to play maple on a 2005 resolution
I prefer the new resolution only because now you dont have to gfx, if the old resolution would have had a gfx fix it'd have been better.
I'm playing on a 15 inch laptop with a 4K screen and I gotta say, the 15 minutes or so I was actually able to log in, everything was so much tinier that it was actually quite difficult to play.
This resolution thing is not too important to me. I have played for so long that I am a bit bored of 800x600. I like the ability to see more of the map with 1024x576. Whatever makes the most people happy. An option to change between both would probably be best, but not critical. I am much more excited about the potential GFX fixes during bossing.
This poll would be better suited after players have had time to experience gameplay properly with the new client.
Right click desktop -> Display settings Look for Scale and Layout. Set to 100% is the game window is too big or set to larger than 100% if game window is too small.
I have played the later versions of the official Maplestory and I don't seem to enjoy the bigger resolution, partly because it's not an up scaling of sprites (Integer Scaling). Also everything has now become smaller which is also harder to see. If making an option to switch to 800x600 on the run is not possible, how about making another executable with 800x600 as default?
They physically changed the layout of certain maps now. Seems like they're full committing to this and forcing us 800 x 600 players to adapt or quit.
option to choose between 800 or 1024 i aint buying a secondary screen or bigger screen to multi client edit: hs mule for bosses for example