Hi, so basically I have made a Spearman and intend to make a Dark Knight in the long run. I don't have a bishop to make me money or any other characters. Considering ales and good pots are now 4x in price as before, what alternative pots can I buy and use to grind my way to level 70. I am currently 50. I want to train at FoG to make some money along the way but buying ales x 3000 is going to cost almost 50M. And as a Spearman, I am sure this will run out quickly. Any advice would be helpful.
as a drk u will never use ales..and being low lvl its kind of a waiste, theres multple pots that gives 2-3-4-5k life wich should heal that 75% life at ur lvl......and ill give u an advice u ddint asked me...if u can tank 2 hits where u trining start practicing lveling at half ur hp....believe ull thank me later...
I'm not sure if this is viable or not, I know in NLC there used to be Warrior and Sorcerer Elixirs that cured 1,500 HP (Warrior) and 1,500 MP (Sorcerer) that used to be 1.5k ea which is what I used. I have not needed them for a long time so I'm unsure of the price atm. The other alternative is by using a pet that has auto HP you can use lower ones and just have the pet use it for you. Makes it much easier so you can focuse more on getting more exp. Good luck!
Just want to clarify a little in case someone else reads, warrior elixr is an attack potion which gives 12 w. Attk for 8 mins. The 1.5k hp potion is called barbarian elixr. The most cost effective potion in the game is supreme pizza from NLC. 900 hp 600mp. This isnt enough for warriors. For warriors, get satay or chicken rice from singapore/malaysia local specialties store. 1hp:1meso ratio.