IGN: Solanacea Age: 27 Job: Bandit Level: 40 51 61 Timezone: EST Discord (yes/no): yes Ban History?: never Purpose For Joining: To make friends, have people to play with, to pester with questions, eventually for some bossing Describe Yourself Briefly: I am software engineer living in New York, just getting back into MapleStory after not playing for 10 years. My favorite parts of MS in the past were LPQ and just exploring and chatting with players (didn't really have any other ways to learn about the game).
IGN: MrB3arz Age: 27 Job: Assassin Level: 30 (just started on this game) Timezone: (GMT+8) Discord (yes/no): No - but can create one if needed Ban History?: nah...too cool to get ban Purpose For Joining: To get more cool friend, Chit Chat, Chill together, blow some water...etc Describe Yourself Briefly: A guy who walks on the path of sales and have conquer a lot of big bosses. Now trying hard to play on maple which is a fav game of mine during highschool. (might be too old for this but who cares )
IGN: FantasyPrime Age: 24 Job: Bishop Level: 134 Timezone: GMT+8 Discord (yes/no): Yes Ban History?: Never Purpose For Joining: 1. To make in-game friends 2. To ask for advice Describe Yourself Briefly: I'm a 24 year old Malaysian, coming back to MapleRoyals from a break since 2017. Looking for some friends to play the game with and have fun overall!
IGN: PepeTheWiz Age: 29 Job: Student Level: 40 (Just joined in after a while) Timezone: GMT+2 Discord (yes/no): Sharpy#4945 Ban History?: Nope Purpose For Joining: Looking for mates to play with and also to guide me through the first steps Describe Yourself Briefly: Friendly and active,too lazy to get a gf so playing MS
IGN:MoeSushi Age:25 Job: Chinese teacher Level:135lvl Hero <still in washing hp Timezone: No sure, but mostly online at UTC+8 Discord (yes/no):NO Ban History?:None Purpose For Joining: i no want to be alone Describe Yourself Briefly: i'm from Malaysia and i started play maple at year 2014 and it always be my favourite game until now.As important is,without a friend my world is a wilderness. So, let me in.
Hello everyone who applied to our guild!Unfortunately at this time we are no longer accepting applications to our guild. Thank you all for your interest and keep checking back to see if we're taking more applications at a later date. Happy mapling!
ing:AlmightyDmg age:27 job:sin level:50 timezone:gmt+3 discord:yes Almighty#6343 ban history:no purpose for joing:fun,help,friend (maybe even girlfriend ) Describe Yourself Briefly:nice and special guy like to talk and share moment of my life always try to be respectful and show some love to the people around me
Sorry for the late reply, but unfortunately, we think the time zone difference would be an issue. Best of luck! Hey, its SmellingSalt! You've been accepted! Message Swoll (SwoLL) for an invite!
IGN: LazySauce Age: 28 Job: Cleric Level: 60 (newb) Timezone: EST Discord: yes Ban History: no Purpose for joining: My therapist says that I need....friends. Describe yourself: I am pretty quiet person and pretty easygoing. Probably won't cause trouble.
IGN: peeposleepo Age: 21 Job: Priest Level: 77 Timezone: PST (+7) Discord (yes/no): yes Ban History?: none Purpose For Joining: I just joined this server 4-5 days ago, and while its been fun playing I haven't really got the chance to experience a sense of community. This is my first time playing v62 server since it was on the official server, so I'm having a lot of fun with the feelings of nostalgia and grinding to endgame, since I didn't really know what to do before when I was a kid. Also, I wasn't in a guild back in the day so it would be fun to have a sense of community and eventually participate in those bossing adventures . Describe Yourself Briefly: Kinda quiet but I would like to get to know some people to have fun playing this game. I would be happy to participate in guild activities, and hopefully help out other guildies when I get to that point. (I saw you mention timezone as an issue for joining but I'm on almost all day grinding since I have no life, especially now during Covid.)
IGN: Wengaman Age: 26 Job: Bishop Level: 122 Timezone: est Discord (yes/no): yes Ban history?: none Purpose for Joining: Looking for some people to enjoy playing the game with. Been playing mostly solo (wife plays sometimes but only one computer atm so we can never really play together). Describe Yourself Briefly: Relaxed, I look to games to enjoy my time through jokes & chilling with friends. Play MTG so if anybody ever wants to talk about that, I'm 100% down. Travel occasionally for work so there may be some time you don't see me online for a little bit, but i'll be back.
Thanks for applying! Unfortunately we are sticklers about timezone and yours is opposite most of the guilds. Good luck on Royals and I hope you find a guild that suits you! You've been accepted! Message me (Swoll), Skyra, or MetroSmexual in game for an invite!
IGN: N64Child Age: 28 Job: Drk Level: 148 (and leveling quickly) Timezone: PST Discord (yes/no): Yes Ban History?: No Purpose For Joining: Looking for member-inclusive bossing guild Describe Yourself Briefly: University student studying IT graduating early next year. I like to help people when I can and I would like to be in a community that would help me back. Because I'm not trying to guild hop I need to ask a few questions to see if this may be the right guild for me (not trying to sound condescending, I just don't wanna be rude and leave early). What timezone is the guild in? I'm in PST and you said most of the guild is 2 hours ahead so I'm assuming Central/EST? Is Resignation allianced with any other guilds? Is the alliance chat actively social/asking for bossing? How often does Resignation boss and what bosses do they do? (I'm not trying to smega everyday just to finish dailies). Is the guild/alliance member-inclusive for bossing or is there only a set group of members that boss with each other? (Problem in current guild) Finally, how many members are usually on and is the discord active? What else should I know? Thanks
1. Besides a couple outliers, mainly central/EST. 2. We are not, only with our mule guild and Unwashed. 3. People boss when they feel like it. We don't have a set schedule for guild runs, typically. Just hit up Alliance chat and see who is available. Zak/Krex/Shao/Scarg are pretty easy to organize in guild. HT/CWKPQ/NT will sometimes require 1-2 players outside the guild to run at this present time, but we are having a sort of revamp and are recruiting new members regularly, so that should change in the near future. 4. Anybody is welcome to boss with anybody in Resignation. Some are more focused on bossing than others, but you won't get shot down by any guildies looking for a party as long as there is room. 5. Anywhere from 8-12 guildies on during regular hours. Discord is very active. Resignation is a community based guild rather than being centered around any specific activity. We want cool people who will stick around and be part of the family. We have bossers, questers, farmers, leechers, and everything in between. If you are looking for a guild 100% focused on nothing but bossing, we may not be a good fit. If you're looking for a tight knit group of friends that support each other, whether it be bossing or anything else, we are what you're looking for.
IGN: Sagestar Age: 18 Job: Bishop Level: 22(currently training a lot, so expect to rise quickly) Timezone:GMT+01 Discord (yes/no):Yes, Sagestar#7147 Ban History?:Nope Purpose For Joining: I want a guild that can help me and I can help back too of course . Describe Yourself Briefly:My real name is Magnus, I'm Danish. I like star wars, romance anime such as Clannad and more. I've been playing main game maple for multiple years and switched over to mapleroyals recently and hope I can join a community to have fun with(I hope it can be yours ) Thanks for reading and hope you can accept a nub returning to maple like me
Hi, we appreciate your application but it seems you're 6-7 hours ahead of most of the guild so the timezone just wouldn't work out, unfortunately. Best of luck on Royals!
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