Hey everyone. I made a long list of suggestions that I believe can positively shape the future of this server that hopefully most people would agree with. Please let me know how you feel about some of these ideas, what ideas you have of your own, what you like most/disagree with, and make sure to answer the poll! I have played gms from the beta until about 2012 and started playing Royals for a year or two now. I believe these changes are essential in fixing some of the most pressing issues with the current state of this server. Here's the list: Mapleroyals site/rules 1. Voting once per day instead of every 24 hours 2. Daily/weekly polls on the main page to receive live feedback regarding proposed changes/new content 3. Enforce no penalty for picking up someone’s drops from monsters that were not picked up and were not going to be picked up 4. Include job skills and full level by level descriptions in MapleRoyals Library In-Game Interface 5. Create working ‘in-game alert GM’ hacker notification button 6. Options to mute noise notifications for buddy and guild player logins 7. Add a log with Fredrick to show what items were sold and what messages were left before the store closed/expired 8. Add max storage slots for everyone 9. Add monster name and level when you hover over any map point in the world map Events 10. Hold exclusive events that have a Fame requirement (currently, having a high fame provides no added benefit to the player except meeting 20 for certain equips and then being able to obtain the celebrity medal which I don’t think is even active at the moment?) 11. Block the use of over the screen cash shop messages in event maps (way too laggy already) NX/Cash Shop/Meso control 12. Reduce the meso & NX price for owls for the free market or significantly increase the quantity provided. (This should save players countless time in the FM so they can stay engaged with the game outside of the FM. Economy should improve if more people buy and use owls since more items will be sold and prices will become more stable and possibly lower) 13. Make AP resets cost 1 meso in the cash shop/FM (This gives everyone an even playing field for character creation, not just those that are funded, and removes the heavy price tag that comes with HP washing. This should also help reduce the amount of mesos in the game since it will eliminate the buying and selling of AP resets which will force players to use their NX on other purchases, so no more easy 16m/AP reset. This would also open up the opportunity to have a more diverse group of characters created since HP washing would not be a factor. Taking it one step further, providing free time sensitive int equips to everyone when players reach ~95% could finally reduce the cost of INT providing items and scrolls, making it more balanced and affordable for mages. Also make SP resets cost 1 meso) 14. Reduce the meso drop rate for monsters higher than lvl 50 15. Make clean slate scrolls (1%, 3%, 5%, 10%, 20%) available for purchase for everyone in the FM store. (This will help reduce the amount of mesos in game since it will give funded players who are always looking to create the best items more of a chance to do so, but at a very low probability and at a very costly chance. These types of players are willing to blow a lot of mesos if they have a lot of mesos in order to perfect their items) 16. Make the Dalair donations available for the donation medals 17. Increase tax rate for players based on the number of billion coins owned 18. Increase drop rate of high value mastery books to drive their costs down 19. Similar to what was just done for chaos scrolls, make white scrolls obtainable outside of Gachapon 20. Create inexpensive Party Quest Megaphones with pre-filled in text for each PQ that players can purchase to more easily recruit players for the party quests. Or, create a more effective PQ system for people that are recruiting and people that want to join, but are not already in the PQ start area 21. Allow Fast Travel Ticket to work from Orbis to Mu Lung and vice versa Party Quests 22. KPQ: Increase stage clearing EXP and King Slime EXP. Increase King Slime HP and attack 23. LPQ: Increase stage clearing EXP and Alishar EXP. Increase Alishar HP and attack. Provide better drops in bonus and also reduce broken glasses reward requirement 24. CPQ1: Increase win and loss EXP. Make the win and loss EXP proportionate to the total of number CP obtained for your own team. Then for the winning team, introduce a subtracting function that factors in what CP the other team obtained. Therefore, each team earns more EXP for more CP obtained and the winning team earns more EXP the worse that the losing team does (or less EXP the better that the losing team does). This is to discourage trading wins and promote actual competition like it was intended, using all of the summon functions. Allow weapons traded for with coins to be below avg, avg, above avg, and godly 25. CPQ2: Reduce coins required for chaos necklace from 150 to 100. Fix spawning of summons from requiring 7 and 7 summons from each team exactly. Make the win and loss EXP proportionate to the total of number CP obtained for your own team. Then for the winning team, introduce a subtracting function that factors in what CP the other team obtained. Therefore, each team earns more EXP for more CP obtained and the winning team earns more EXP the worse that the losing team does (or less EXP the better that the losing team does). This is to discourage trading wins and promote actual competition like it was intended, using all of the summon functions. Allow weapons traded for with coins to be below avg, avg, above avg, and godly 26. LMPQ: Increase EXP and provide better rewards 27. OPQ: Increase stage clearing EXP and Papa Pixie EXP. Increase Papa Pixie HP and attack. Provide better rewards/drops and reduce wristband requirement. (Currently, practically no one does this PQ because you get much more EXP much quicker from CPQ2 and the OPQ exp and item rewards are not good) 28. Romeo & Juliet PQ: increase EXP and provide better rewards/drops. (Need more of an incentive to do this PQ) 29. Lord Pirate PQ: increase EXP and provide better rewards/drops. (Need more of an incentive to do this PQ) 30. APQ: Increase EXP based on level 31. Guild PQ: Increase stage clearing EXP and Ergoth EXP. Provide better drops/rewards. Provide rewards/bonuses to guilds that are in the Top 10 on the Leaderboard 32. Mu Lung Dojo: Increase EXP obtained from each boss defeated. Significantly reduce point requirements for each belt tier (except white). Quests 33. Increase most quest EXP (especially those that have you gather 300+ of a specific drop and jump quests) 34. Increase drop rate of Cat’s eye stone 35. Increase drop rate of Awren’s glass shoe 36. Increase mesos rewarded in quests that give mesos upon completion Bosses/Monsters 37. Increase spawn amount for Lazy Buffy 38. Increase spawn amount for Dark Klock 39. Increase spawn amount for Master Soul Teddy 40. Increase spawn amount for Miner Zombie 41. Increase spawn amount for Peach Monkey in the maps Peach Farm 1 & 2 42. Increase spawn amount for Clang in the map Clang and Lorang 43. Increase spawn frequency for Zombie Mushmom 44. Place a limit on the number of bosses (like Mushmom, Elliza, King Sage Cat, Snowman, etc) that can be killed by the same person over a specific period of time 45. Decrease ice/lightning magic resistance for Luster Pixie 46. Increase EXP for Thanatos and Gatekeeper 47. Provide better EXP and drops for Pianus 48. Provide better EXP and drops for Papulatus 49. Add Pink Bean 50. Add Ravana 51. Fix ability to weaken Deet, Roi, and Rurumo in Magatia to be able to kill them Pets 52. Improve pet following and pickup distance (pets constantly get stuck on different platforms than their characters are on by being either below or above them. In addition, even with the cash shop items equipped, the item detect pickup distance is not large enough) 53. Eliminate ongoing chat indicator when potions from auto HP/MP run out (intermittent is good enough) Maps 54. Add Golden Temple Items/Consumables 55. Add the tradeable pink 50% scrolls as a PQ/Boss drop that would give, for example, +3 weapon attack for a ‘50% Scroll for Two-Handed Sword for ATT’ 56. Add level 120 equipment and weapons (Reverse/Timeless) 57. Add Shoulderpads (for rare PQ reward/boss drop) 58. Reduce cost of Red Bean Sundae (Cherry Pies cost less and provide much better benefits) 59. Allow 60% Scroll for Shield for Magic ATT to be obtained outside of Gachapon (these scrolls are very important and are too hard to get and are too expensive for most players to buy several of) Mini-Games 60. Significantly reduce monster card and omok creation requirements (why was this even changed and set so high from the original? Who cares if people afk with these open? It’s more important to make them more accessible to all players) Medals 61. Make more permanent medals available and make them good enough to compete with the standard job advancement ones Leeching/Map owning & selling 62. Something needs to be done to control leeching. (Leeching only creates a cycle of the rich players getting richer by selling leech and the leech buyers getting to level up quickly with minimal work, essentially getting to higher levels much quicker which then provide much easier opportunity for quicker and higher magnitude of high value items to obtain. It is excessively prevalent in this game and I think if some effects of leeching were mitigated, then more players would be forced to party quest and complete regular quests, especially if their EXP was bumped up. A significant number of players barely even utilize most facets of the game. They just start a new character, buy leech until 4th job, then boss, and continue to buy or sell leech. I had a level 130 bishop the other day ask me if Mu Lung was close to Orbis… these people aren’t even playing the game… This is a big reason why regular questing and party questing is so absent.) 63. Remove map owning. (The idea that you can own a map and then sell it is crazy and makes it extremely difficult for newer, lower level players, and less funded players to get to experience these popular maps. Also, it is impossible to train on some of these maps at certain times of day, every day. Traditional MapleStory had multiple players training on different sections of the same map. There was nothing wrong with this. MapleStory was always a competitive game, but this is way too babied how it is now. You can share maps successfully without having to kill steal. Forest of Golem is a classic example of this and a classic map in this game that is never even used anymore.) Skill Refinements In general, keeping the core skills from this version of MapleStory is essential to maintaining the nostalgic feel of the game that attracts this community base, but of the few changes that MapleStory experienced in later patches, some skill rebalances and overhauls were actually among the few that significantly improved the game past v62. Also, I think lowering the max skill levels of most skills to 10 and 20 (especially in third job and under) is better for gameplay and keeps players more entertained and increases desire to level up. Also, if the skill max levels are lowered, new skills can be added. Unfortunately with this current version of MapleStory, there are still numerous useless and underpowered skills. Think about why there are so few bowman, paladins, F/P Mages, etc and why there are so many Assassins and Bishops. 64. Hunter: Replace Final Attack (add a double jump or a second damage skill?) Ranger: Increase Strafe damage, Increase Arrow Rain damage Bow Master: Increase Sharp Eyes effects, Increase Hurricane damage Crossbowman: Replace Final Attack (add a double jump or a second damage skill?) Sniper: Increase Strafe damage, Increase Arrow Eruption damage Marksman: Increase Sharp Eyes effects, Reduce Snipe cooldown 65. Magician: Increase replaced HP of Magic Guard from 80% to 85%, Remove Magic Armor, Increase Energy Bolt damage or increase the number of monsters that it can attack (preferably the latter) Wizard F/P: Increase Meditation magic att, Replace Slow, Increase the damage + monsters hit + damage over time + success rate for Poison Brace (this skill is essentially useless right now) Mage F/P: Increase damage and success rate for Poison Mist, Replace Seal or allow it to be used on bosses but with lower success rate with a cooldown but also increase the duration, Replace Element Composition, Reduce pause until movement is allowed after casting Spell Booster Arch Mage F/P: Replace Big Bang, Replace Fire Demon, Increase Paralyze damage Wizard I/L: Increase Meditation magic att, Replace Slow Mage I/L: Increase Ice Strike damage, Increase Thunder Spear damage, Replace Seal or allow it to be used on bosses but with lower success rate with a cooldown but also increase the duration, Replace Element Composition, Reduce pause until movement is allowed after casting Spell Booster Arch Mage I/L: Replace Big Bang, Replace Ice Demon, Increase Chain Lightning damage Cleric: Replace Invincible, Increase Holy Arrow damage Priest: Increase Mystic Door duration, Increase Holy Symbol MP requirement + increase the duration + decrease amount of EXP received (the server already has an increased EXP rate, there are too many bishops on the server, and this should help control leeching more), Remove magic rock requirement for Doom or replace Doom, Increase summon dragon duration and damage Bishop: Replace Big Bang, Increase Bahamut damage, Increase Holy Shield duration, Reduce Resurrection cooldown, Allow Angel Ray to attack multiple monsters at once 66. Rogue: Replace Disorder, Increase Double Stab damage Assassin: Replace Endure, Increase Drain damage and absorbing % Hermit: Increase meso drop rate % of Meso Up, Increase success rate of Shadow Web, Replace Shadow Meso, Move Triple Throw from 4th Job to 3rd Job and reduce the damage Night Lord: Replace Taunt, Increase Ninja Ambush damage, Increase effects of Venomous Star, Add Quad Star and reduce the damage Bandit: Replace Endure, Increase Steal damage or replace Steal Chief Bandit: Remove Shield Mastery (this skill is useless especially with Khanjars), Adjust requirements to use Chakra, Replace Pickpocket or significantly increase the amount of mesos dropped, Make Meso Explosion scale with LUK (useless skill at higher levels), Add Shadow Partner (most important change of everything under this Skill Refinement category that is definitely needed), Add Flash Jump Shadower: Replace Taunt, Increase Ninja Ambush damage, Increase effects of Venomous Stab, Reduce Smoke Shell cooldown and increase effect range 67. Swordman: Remove while standing still requirement for Improving HP Recovery (do you actually currently have to stand still to recover?), Replace Endure, Improve Iron body Fighter: Replace Final Attack, Combine Weapon Masteries into the same skill, Combine Weapon Boosters into the same skill, Increase Rage weapon att and wep def loss, Increase duration of Power Guard and increase the limit of the max enemy HP that is able to be reflected Crusader: Increase Improving MP Recovery amount, Combine Panic skills into the same skill, Combine Coma skills into the same skill, Change Armor Crash to be able to nullify other monster buffs as well and maybe even target bosses, but with a lower success rate with a cooldown, Increase Shout damage Hero: Replace Achilles, Increase success rate for Guardian, Slightly increase Brandish damage Page: Replace Final Attack, Combine Weapon Masteries into the same skill, Combine Weapon Boosters into the same skill, Replace Threaten or significantly increase the success rate and the reduction % and have it reduce magic attack as well if it does not already, Increase duration of Power Guard and increase the limit of the max enemy HP that is able to be reflected White Knight: Combine Fire Charge skills into the same skill, Combine Ice Charge skills into the same skill, Combine Thunder Charge skills into the same skill, Change Magic Crash to be able to nullify other monster buffs as well and maybe even target bosses, but with a lower success rate with a cooldown, Add Combat Orders and allow it to add skill levels by up to +3 (a must have skill for this class at either 3rd job or 4th job and it is a good incentive to create a page and makes them more valuable in bossing and PQs) Paladin: Combine Holy Charge/Divine Charge into the same skill, Replace Achilles, Increase success rate for Guardian, Allow Blast to target up to two monsters, Reduce Heaven’s Hammer cooldown Spearman: Replace Final Attack, Combine Weapon Masteries into the same skill, Combine Weapon Boosters into the same skill, Increase Iron Will effects significantly Dragon Knight: Combine Crusher skills into the same skill, Combine Fury skills into the same skill, Slightly increase damage of Crusher and Fury, Replace Sacrifice or increase the damage and HP sacrificed, Slightly reduce HP loss for Dragon Roar, Change Power Crash to be able to nullify other monster buffs as well and maybe even target bosses, but with a lower success rate with a cooldown, Increase Dragon Blood weapon att and periodic HP loss Dark Knight: Replace Achilles, Increase Hex of the Beholder duration 68. Pirate: Increase attack range of Double Shot Brawler: Replace Oak Barrel Marauder: Replace Transformation and allow all other skills to be used without it Buccaneer: Replace Super Transformation and allow all other skills to be used without it, Reduce Time Leap cooldown Gunslinger: Significantly increase Grenade damage and add a cooldown to it Outlaw: Increase Octopus duration Corsair: Increase Wrath of the Octopi duration, Increase Battleship MP cost + weapon defense + magic defense, Increase Rapid Fire damage, Reduce Battleship Cannon damage, Reduce Battleship Torpedo Damage Guilds 69. Remove used guild names that have not been active for more than 1 year
I'll pick this apart later. While there are some good suggestions, a lot of this is just "make everything easier" which I do not agree with, and some is just flat out ridiculous (some of the suggested skill changes in particular), or both. I appreciate the effort in the post, though. EDIT: Others have pretty much said exactly what I wanted to say on most things, so I'll just leave it at that.
You throw these suggestions as if none of them have any implications other than the immediate effect. Reduce AP reset to 1 meso? so everybody’s nx go to gach and then what? Every single player is going to have godly FS/SCG from all those Chaos/White scroll. Clean slates? So it’s going to be a lot easier to make perfect stuff as if there aren’t so many around as is lol. Some of the other suggestions are impossible to implement code-wise, and others are just ridiculous. Even if 10% of what you suggested is implemented it will no longer be the game we know. Not only will it not be mapleroyals, this doesn’t even sound like maplestory. Edit: Lol you forgot to add to the pole the option ‘I disagree with everything on this list’
how many of these jobs have u actually played? a lot of ur suggestions sound like bs. for example, achilles on warriors do help a lot to reduce damage taken particularly from 1/1 so u will hv a few thousand hp left. poison breath training is a legit thing that 2nd job fps can use to train since it allows them to train at higher lvl mobs also, snipes cd looks like this at lvl 30. u wanna reduce it to be spammable instead?
Thanks for the feedback. I think to ensure that things aren't made easier by buffing certain skills, it is important to buff the monsters and bosses as well. I just think there's a large disparity in certain classes over others
Thanks for your opinion. I still think there's a lot of options besides AP resets to spend nx on. Most white scrolls are used with 30% and 10% which are already scrolls that are unlikely to work. Chaos scrolls can easily worsen items just as they can benefit them. Clean slates also have a low chance of working and double the chance of blowing the item up. It's just a thought to help reduce the amount of mesos in the game. Aside from the AP reset and leech suggestion, the other changes I feel are relatively minor changes and shouldn't have a huge impact on the game. I can add a disagree with everything option, I didn't realize there'd be a person that would disagree with literally every single item on the list
I've played several of these jobs over the years. I feel achilles can stay, but it needs a bit higher % increase. Poison breath can be useful, but it feels weaker than it should be. When I say reduce snipe cd, it doesn't necessarily mean a significant reduction, I'm talking about like 1 second.
Thanks for the honest feedback. I don't like to think of a lot of these changes as making the game easier, but making certain components of the game less annoying/frustrating and more convenient and fun. I agree with some of your reasoning on some of your comments, but still stand by some of mine.
>1 It was supposed to be implemented by now. >2 I think that's too often. That's the point of the feedback section already. GM's actually do read it and make changes based on it! Just not that fast, it would be a way too much to make changes every single week. Like they reverted some of the nerfs recently in 65.0 from the feedback thread. >3 No. Then you'd literally have to sit there as a GM banning people on a case by case basis. It's not your map/loot, don't touch it. If anything, ask for it politely. >4 I don't see why it doesn't exist, sure. >5 We should have an auto-ban system they've been working on for almost 8months, if not more. It will resolve most of these minor hacking issues like botters/people flying in the FM >6 GMs will tell you just turn off your sound. Then you'd need an option to mute all sound popups (Party, Messenger, Trade, etc.) >7 Just reset your store in time. It would take a lot of time to implement this most likely. >8 Do we not? I'm pretty sure we have the current GMS game limit of storage slots. >9 What? You want to hover over leafre and be able to view the name/level of every single monster in leafre? Like 60-80 monsters are going to show up over each continent. You wouldn't be able to read any of it without a filtering system. Just use the mapleroyals database or google pre.bigbang >10 Don't make events exclusive. Fame is a monetary achievement for the most part. Making exclusive events is a great way to alienate players, especially newer ones. E.g. "Event for only 4th job players" >11 This has been suggested multiple times. No idea why it isn't implemented or had any response to yet >12 Owls are a luxury. The majority of players cannot afford to owl spam to find cheap goods. If Owls become cheaper it further reduces the efforts of people who actively search the FM for cheap deals. More Owls will in no way make prices cheaper. It may help newer players not sell certain items at a significantly lower price, but it's part of the game I guess. We used to have dedicated players who kept a price guide up to date but all have quit/stopped. You're more than welcomed to create this new price guide list. Players take for granted these players who pump in literal hundreds of mil a week for them to just complain that a glove for attack scroll 60% isn't 1.2m, 4head omegalul. VIP Rocks are a luxury too. I would never suggest, make VIP rocks 1m so people don't have to walk everyone. The whole point of the 65.0 balance patch was to increase meso sink because meso was deflating and becoming worthless. Heck, we should be happy GMs didn't decide to just make VIP/Reg rocks 10m/5m with how they were 3-4x pricing a bunch of things. >14 Meso drop rate nerf is irrelevant. You make maybe 10m in meso bags looted at ulu1 duo mage maybe, while you used to make 120m per hour. >13 Even playing field means nobody has to do anything? Every legit player has an even playing field, whether or not people want to do it is another story. Do you think someone was born with the talent to sell 150 hours of leech? Or it's unfair that Player B does 8 APQs a day to farm apples but Player C who sits in Henesys all day doesn't have the same amount of mesos? The state of the game meta pushing players to wash higher and higher for unnecessary reasons (You do not need a 20k+ NL) is one long conversation, but that's irrelevant here. Yes, you can make washing easier, we have over the past 2 years, the server has implemented changes they have never done before, they implemented the HP quest, new items to relieve washing costs (belts, medals, MoN). The APRs make up at least 50% of our economy. You stated earlier you want to stabilize the economy, then you wanna make 1 meso because "it will help reduce the amount of mesos in the game." HP Washing is the game's biggest meso sink. If washing didn't cost anything everything else would inflate. Attack gear+Weapons would increase by some 400-500% maybe, starter attacker gear (15-18scg, 6-10wa shoes, 9-14wa capes) because nobody has to dump 6-9b in washing. The economy would be so fucked beyond imagine. And you believe making them 1 meso would reduce the amount of meso in game? >15 Clean slate scrolls are rarities in game and aren't even expensive to begin with outside of 20% scrolls. Clean slate scrolls usually don't help you make the best items in the game, it lets people who were drunk or not paying attention to how many white scrolls they have in their inventory potentially salvage their item. >16 Meso sink. Just wait for chair hatch >17 What does this even mean? You're going to penalize players for playing the game/saving their mesos for a big item? >18 No. If you ever started bossing and this happened, then you'd complain this game is literally just trying to make you leech all day if you want any mesos >19 See 13. >20 So just a cheaper smega? Or you want them to code a new mega for 1 meso like APRs and Clean Slate Scrolls? >21 This is a quality of life change. Not meso control. This is literally 1,000 mesos >22 There are other ways to level than KPQ. However, if you really want to argue for more rewarding KPQ. Increase final stage clearing EXP. Not all stages. Rushers are bad. >23 See 22. >24 Why do we want to kill trading wins? So the funded level 43 assassin can take a hot dump on new players? And that new players take 1.5-3x longer to get out of 30-70? You can't go around saying "this is the intended purpose of this product." We were never supposed to rush LPQ stages, grind in stage 1 KPQ, or even leech. We were all supposed to be good boys and girls in GMS and play our shitty unwashed characters till we could kill zakum with 5k HP at level 114. Times change. >25 Necklace costs way too much imo. Lower necklace costs. Fix the spawn. Rest see 24. >26 Royal's population cannot sustain two PQ's in the same level range. While LMPQ was amazing while it was the #1 pq for 51-70, the population would just play what is better, LMPQ or CPQ2. So pick your poison I guess. >27 See 26. >28 This has been suggested many times and no response on potential time of implementation >29 If we add Romeo Juliet we can goodbye to this horrible PQ. This PQ is labeled 70-100? (I think) Completely unviable form of EXP after level 85-90. To be quite honest, 80+ is the ideal time to start training, you're better off finding a Wolfspider/windraider/ulu/gobies map/party and just train. PQ's do not have to be the only way players level. >30 EXP isn't the reason people are doing this >31 There's already amazing rewards, Ass 30, Ifrit 30, Ergoth Chair, Ergoth HP Medal. People suggested the reward leaderboards, was never given a response. Personally, it would be too much work, you'd have to implement some sort of fair point reset or else the same damn guild will most likely just climb to an unholy amount of points and just get free stuff every so often. ie: this is a boomer move >32 Sure.I suggested the Exp buff at one point too in a different thread. I'm okay with reducing it or keeping it the same. If they just increased incentives to do Dojo more they don't need to change the point system. Red/Black belt is intended as late game gear, so noted, they should not be easy to get. >33 Quests already get hit by the EXP multiplier. You get a 3.2x multiplier for killing the mobs then doing the quest. >34,35 Sure, why not. Let's throw in Blackbull's deed in there too, that drops horribly I hear. >36 This is so minuscule. There's plenty of ways to make the game less painful financially to newer players then like 10k extra mesos from a quest. >37,38,39,40,42 Botters hack almost exclusively in these areas because their map layouts are shit and nobody goes there. This would help mostly botters. >41 I do not think botters hack in Peach Monkeys. Why not. >43 Why just Zombie Mushmom? This seems extremely biased. 3 hours is already the shortest timer available. >44 No. Git Gud. >45 Why? >46 Sure. >47 The drops are already amazing. SE20 is approx 80m, Mini Pianus is approx 60-80m >48 Pap already get an insane EXP buff the GMs had to tell us they're try it out and remove it if it's too good. It drops 5k NX and an instance boss (you don't have to fight over it like Pianus). It having such a high 5k NX drop rate is already amazing. >49 We're not ready and this is final server content that will be released when the server and player base is ready. >50 Golden Temple can be a suggestion new zone, sure. >51 This is a bug. Its very low priority and they have not spent much time on it. They've been working on this high-res client for at least 1 year. They'll have more time to fix minor bugs like this now. >52 I don't think they can fix pet AI without coding a whole new system. eg. This would take an ungodly amount of time >53 This would make sense >54 See 50. >55 Sure. I've suggested making certain PQs more rewarding or make a new money end-game content PQ like APQ. I have no idea where these are originally from though. >56 We're very against this. Extremely so. We cannot ever implement this until we resolve the botting issue. Piece of Time botting would be 100x tank our economy more than gold teeth do. >57 No opinion >58 That's the point. Finding the most efficient pots and using them. Just use sorcs if you hate the price so much, they're 1500 mesos for 1500 mp >59 This is a luxury scroll. Perhaps the 60% tag makes it seem more important to give out for free then their 30% counterpart, but this is at least 40% of the reason you gatcha at showa. >60 Monster cards is like what, 100, this is an odd ETC, I feel like a lot of monsters don't drop any. A set costs like only 10m though I think in the FM. There's a quest that lets you get a change at getting free omok set at a high % ( i think its 4/7 odds). Some people flex that they have exclusive omok sets (not from that quest I mentioned), it's a luxury to have the set you want. Some people make this their goal, it's a big thing in the omok community. >61 Medals are pretty low stat in general. The permanent medals are already better than all standard job advancement ones for what their intended designed is. Quest Specialist/Monster Card Hunter: Better than level 200 medal. GPQ Medal: Best HP medal in the game >62 "Leeching only creates a cycle of the rich players getting richer by selling leech": Fun fact. Most rich people don't leech. They've finished leeching and just Boss or do some sort of money-making that requires a high starting cost. Leeching helps newer players wash, buy starting attack gear, get to start playing this game. New players buy leech too cause they do anything. When I play low-level characters, I enjoy that they're are less leeches in my CPQ/CPQ2. How people want to play the game is up to them, maybe they couldn't afford a computer when they were young and couldn't play MuLung content, you don't know his life lol. >63 Map selling is pretty recent with the player increase of CoronaVirus. Player count will eventually go down and most of this issue will be gone. >64.1 Double Jump: see http://maplestory.nexon.net/ Arrow Bomb and Double shot is plenty good for those levels. Assassins don't even have an attack skill in 2nd job. >64.2 They don't use strafe outside of 3rd job. No point. Arrow rain is already good. What are you basing this off of that it needs a buff? >64.3"Increase Sharp Eyes effects" what, Sharper Eyes? Gonna have to be specific. Bowmaster is already top 4 DPS class, why do they need a damage buff >64.4 Crossbowman double jump. See 64.1 >64.5 We can't just keep increases numbers. When does the flat % damage number buffs stop? When everyone's at 1200% damage? >64.6 Snipe is already 4 seconds. I don't think it should go under 4 seconds, it becomes an extreme hassle to click it so often at a certain point since you cannot bind it with strafe. >65 MG Buff: No, MG is arguably the greatest defensive tools in this game, we should buff Triple Throw damage before this. >65.1 Magic Armor. Not all skills are created equal unfortunately, also its just a 1st job skill and almost all jobs have this useless skill in one shape or form. I used to use it while farming to take less damage though >65.2 Energy Bolt: Magic claw is already the best single target first job damaging skill. 1st job mages easily out damage sins archers warriors etc. Rapid Fire: >65.FP Sure, With what?, So make 2nd job FP into 3rd job FP? Their 3rd job is broken compared to everyone else >65.FPWizard No it's already amazing, Seal is very useful actually, Not all skills are made equal in any MMO, Spell booster is weird, no comment. >65.FPAM No, No, Sure >65.IL Sure, With what, >65.ILWizard Meh, it already does pretty good damage imo, the rest see 65.FPWizard >65.ILAM see 65.FPAM >65.Cleric Invincible is VERY useful, sure why not >65.Priest It's already 5 minutes I think, why doom buff only priest? and not skills all equal made etc.etc. Dragon is already good its like 5minutes >65.Priest.HolySymbol Okay. MP requirement, what does this accomplish? Duration buff+Decrease amount of EXP received: This. Is. Bad. This just means people will leech longer. It does absolutely nothing to change the game, just hurt bossers more than ppl buying leech. >65.Bishop: No, Baha is already great, HolyShield is amazing already, It's supposed to be a game changing skill, its a long CD for a reason, Angel Ray Multi Hit, why? when is this ever better than gen when there are more than 3 targets? >66.Rogue No, Yes; double stab maybe should be better >66.Sin No. Drain is already really strong >66.Hermit This is a mule then, Sure, No, No >66.NL No,No,No, Quad throw: https://i.gyazo.com/3ffacb3e5fadba3216bb453b11fcef39.png >66.Shad No,No,No,It just got buffed >67.Sword What does this accomplish?, No, No >67.Fight No,No,No,Rage: sure buff it, Why it's already 3minutes long, What does peanut damage to walnut damage change? If you combined all weapon masteries/boosters, you actually have no 2nd job skills to add into, (you add the 2nd mastery to not put any points into Final Attack) >67.Sader No does nothing, you can't just combine skills, It does target bosses, Why do you want to make skills more RNG?, sure buff shout >67.Hero Achilles is AMAZING, Guardian buff, sure, No opinion on brandish buff 67.Page see 67.Fight Threaten has n0 CD, and why does it matter? When would you want to threaten in CPQ verses slash blasting? >67.WK If you give white knights like 60 free SP what are they going to do with it, They don't even have magic crash. Combat Orders, Paladin is already the best utility attacker class after SE. >67.Pally Too much SP, Achilles=Good skill, Guardian=Why not, Blast=No, this is a single target DPS warrior, they already out DPS hero/drk by large margins on single target, Paladin is already top 5 DPS, i do not think they need more Damage from HH >67.Dark You do not play this game if you think Achilles is a bad skill on Dark Knight >68.Pirate Sure why not >68.Brawler This skill isn't even bad >68.Mard What are your removing transformation for? That's their entire class identity? Let's make assassins not throw throwing stars. >68.Bucc see >68.Mard. TL is a game changing skill like ress, it's CD isn't even that long, 20mins. >68.Slinger whats the purpose of this buff or reasoning. How does this help their overall gameplay? Can you even efficiently use this in CPQ2? People just blank shot on the top >68.Outlaw sure, why not. But whats the reasoning behind this? >68.Corsair what is the reasoning behind ocotpi buff that you think it needed a buff. There's 0 point in increasing mana cost. Their gimmick is that ship control=good dps. break ship=bad. Why are you trying to benefit bad corsair gameplay. >69 No. Some people hold it as legacy, and what defines active? This overall shows I do not think you've played this game much and you're on the wrong server. Edit: The final line is a bit rough. But Royals isn't the end-all private servers. It's the one people who enjoy vanilla play.
Thank you for the detailed feedback! #9 is not referring to the overall continent/world, it is for the individual maps. #12 I agree with not reducing the cost for rocks or means of travel items, but I don't believe that owls should be a luxury. #13 I think ap resets and hp washing deters the creation of certain classes of characters, reducing the diversity in the game. It also makes it harder for new players or unfunded players to start and maintain the requirements that comes with hp washing. #17 is just increasing the tax for players who have have a very high meso worth. #21 just refers to fast travel ticket which is a cs item, not mentioned for meso control. #24 strikes me as if you never played cpq when it was first released in gms. You would know how fun it was when you got a competitive 2v2 and it was razor close to see who would win and there was strategy to it with the debuffs and summons. Allowing trade wins makes this game easier, and it shouldn't be. If you didn't like the match up, you could just reject it. #32 agreed that red/black belts should be harder to get. #59 I disagree, I think most people gacha at showa for sky ski, maple leaves, and dragon khanjars. #60 I like your idea on match card sets for sale in FM. All in all, I think you have some interesting points and good reasoning. I have played this game for years and numerous classes, so you're wrong on that point. I am not on the wrong server, that is a snide comment. I like this server and it is by far the best nostalgic one out there, but I think it could use some changes. Obviously my key points are that I'd like to see more people party questing, more variety of classes being played, and less dependency on hp washing and leeching. Wishing there were less people playing this game is not the right solution to this type of issue.
I'm only quoting parts of your post that I heavily disagree with, but that does not mean I agree with things not in this list: This would not reduce the amount of mesos in game. If anything having APR's in the game reduces the amount of mesos in game via the tax by every sale. There are only two ways to decrease the amount of meso in game. 1. Alter meso generation (vendoring to npcs/meso drop from monsters/etc.) 2. Meso sinks (increasing meso taxes/cost of goods from npcs) A progressive tax? As long as you're not an idiot with your spending, there are multitudes of ways to avoid a progressive tax or at least minimize it, bottom line I don't think this would have any impact on the game. Also, this would probably be a nightmare for devs to code. To my knowledge, Matt has stated all book drop rates are the same across Zakum, and I would assume the same for HT. That being said, why should only certain mastery books have an increased drop rate? Part of the reason why people run zak/ht are because certain mastery book drops are so lucrative. Finding a buyer for zak svc is hard enough as it is with the amount of players that can clear Zakum, so if the price of Gen20 dropped to 200m, and I were to expect a 30m split for 30 minutes of my time why would I ever Zakum when I get better exp/hr and meso/hr at ob5? Given these parts of your job changes, I have a feeling you play a NL with an SE mule. The general feel of your job changes feel similar to the quality of life changes live Maplestory had to cater to the majority of the crowd, which I think it has its place but not in a nostalgia server. You suggest merging a lot of skills to allow more efficient SP usage, but that's a part of the nostalgia. You make a choice when you first job advance, do I want to go the sword route or axe route as a hero? If you want to change it mid way, or when you're at the end of your path it should be a costly mistake. The only two skills that have a reliable way of moving around a map are Teleport and Flash Jump. I don't think any other classes outside of mages and night lords should have access to them, otherwise why would anyone get a mount? This is already a problem in live Maplestory, where players don't finish their mount quest (I'm not sure if it's even in the game anymore). The game has already become NLStory, if anything I feel like Sharp Eyes should get a nerf because of how the crit damage boost scales, and the only two classes in the game who have reliable crits built into their kits are NL's and BM's. The dps gap between NL's and other classes are already huge, and I think making it bigger would be a bad decision. Once again, why are you suggesting to increase the gap between NL's and other classes?
Thanks for the feedback. When I say add triple throw to third job and quad star to 4th job and reduce the damage for both, I really mean reduce them a lot to the point where they aren't OP. I don't have an NL or BM/MM, I have a CB and I/L Mage