~mapowner ~setting megaphones disableall ~setting megaphones disablegachapon I am using these command everyday
That can solve the map hogging, but will create a new issue of not possible to track down hackers via ~mapowner
How can you relate the "benefuts" u mentioned? Maybe some examples? Let say first one, more player will discover new place to train as mapowner system removed?
I agree, eliminate map selling and encourage map sharing. Who cares if a little ksing happens, welcome to the original MS and stop being a f***ing baby.
It could show a different message like 'This map was previously owned by' or something. I don't know, lol.
Removing mapowner is going to cause so much drama on the server because people will be stealing maps left and right. I dont think we should remove it
I'm actually mega annoyed with this. Most of the time I'm surfing channels & just appeared in the map, they're already spamming the ~mapowner at me lol like chill. However I disagree to have it removed. Wouldn't be able to grind in peace & lots of unnecessary KS-ing/arguments is going to ruin gameplay for me.