Could we change this skill to have some use? fighters get a free att pot buff, spearman get a great party buff, page get nothing.. I know it is just a 2nd job skill and paladin already get crash but i feel like there no real use for this skill as it doent work with % and cant do anything to bosses. Maybe making it take way a flat high amont of monster acc so it whould make them have a chance to miss for the skill duration? that could give some use for the skill but also whould make low lv mobs miss almost 100%.. So what changes you guys think could make this skill have some use?
I like the idea of a debuff as an active support skill. Its a really underutilized mechanic in Royals. Maybe have it reduce knockback chance on affected mobs/bosses?
You can make it work on bosses and reduce a monster defense by 50% or so, this will give your whole party a small dps boost (more significant at high lvl bosses like toad and for classes with many hits per sec like bm or nl) Another option is to lower the boss atk which will help you tank better and send more easily, or lower the accuracy of it to give a party wide avoid buff. Or maybe all of these at the same time but only like 10-20% of each
I dont remeber where but some GM or admin said the code cant work with % based skill, that was a long time ago not sure now.
So i was giving a look on other jobs skills and notice Blind from marksman works with % acc so i guess its is another broken skill. Maybe we could make it to work as a mini Bullseye from corsair since pallys are about 1v1 damage
Ehh, I feel like thats kind of straying from their support DPS role a bit. Pally 1v1 damage is already great, I don't think that needs a buff.
This would have been a great suggestion back in 2017 when the role of pallies was still discussed along the line of a support class but they already received multiple direct and indirect buffs to stand out as the strongest 1 vs 1 DPS dealer among warriors and even above archers. Paladin's crash is already a unique skill that turns this class into a favorable priority in boss runs above other warrior classes. I think the balance between 3 warrior classes is currently on the verge of perfection that if you alter anything at this point, debate for additional buff/nerf becomes inevitable. Maybe if the pink bean is introduced one day, with its mammoth skin-like armor, staff should reconsider altering the paladin's role with a fix to the % based debuff skills.
I know pallys are on a good spot now, i am just saying this skill need to have some use, right now it is just a place holder
Something else- the skill itself got Nexon'd- the skill as we have it is how it's supposed to work- they just translated it poorly and didn't care- it was never intended to be a %age.
I just had an idea about the skill - Maybe it can be changed into 'aggro ' on monsters - make it do 1 dmg with huge range (based on skill level) with an optional speed boost to mobs, and make them focus and chase you (instead of party members). It fits nicely to the tanky-supporty role, and it'll help training in solo and grinding with a team, without making it OP. (kinda of weak monsters magnet version)