I heard the players say that we dk can't participate in toad Here I will leave a video of how to kill toad with full berserk I hope it helps you~
Great! Felicitaciones...muy buena guia .ill just say that u can use sunblock instead of changing ur mon for an htp...gives +200m def for 10 mins.... Solo diria que en vez de usar el htp puedes usar un sunblock...da 200 de m def x 10 minutos
Ty 4 feedback, de hecho hay varias maneras de hacerlo como poner pot's de 5kHP en el autopot y cambiarlo al de 40% cuando muera el primer body, pero quise mostrar lo mas seguro por asà decirlo, igual gracias por ver :3
Really helpful, what's your typical pot set up for HT? I do ginsings for the 1/1 manually, reindeer milks auto, and use cheese for hp manipulation (<9k I cheese).
Bcs for a drk perf mon is waaaaaaaaaay better than using a perf htp....ofc if the drks mon is avg u can use both.....but if u have a good one,u might preffer to keep ur mon on