IGN: Dannyy: Last thing you did: Voted on my phone with 3g on my mule account because I needed nx for a pet (first time ever voting on my mule account). Later next day when it was time to vote again I voted on my main account again but I seemed to have voted too early so it was counted as vote abusing. Why do you think you got banned?: Because what I did was vote abusing but it wasn't intentional. Ban message when attempting to log in: Didnt get that, when the server check was going on I thought something was wrong with my files so I decided to reinstall the game but that didnt work. I made some research and came up with that this would be the only logical reason for me to not be able to install it. I understand what I did was wrong but it wasnt my itention to vote abuse. lt was just an accident on my part so do I have to serve this ban no matter what or can I get unbanned?¨ I really love this server so one week without it would be pretty sad
This is the error I'm getting "http://imgur.com/fafy25B". I may actually have posted this in the wrong section, it could've just been me coming up with a random assumption.
This is indeed the wrong section. You arent banned. Your antivirus is probably deleting the file, so turn off your AV and try again.
I've already tried that but it still reacts the same way. Could you give me a mirror link or something?
Make sure your anti-virus is off and your Windows defender is off then re-download the entire setup and try again.
I got it fixed, I removed my antivirus program and tried installing it that way and it turned out to work. I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for the help ^^