IGN: RAZAVI Problem: Unable to connect to the game server Details : I haven’t logged in for a long time.
LOL what the heck bro You got any error message when you tried to login? Have you tried restarting your pc?
I also have the same connection problem since 1 month and I have no answer. and your best solution is to restart the pc???????? Thank you for reading
Stick to one thread bro and be patient, tried restarting pc? not using a vpn or anything like that. Try basic things while you wait.
Yeah, I'm being serious, restarting the pc fixed a lot of login issues for me. Here is the full list of solutions I copied. Possible ways to resolve the disconnect/crash issue after login - no fixed solution for this yet 1) Restart PC 2) Windows Update + restart 3) Make new character and login it 4) Re-install and restart 5) Windows Network Reset 6) Terminate NordVPN background process via Task Manager If it doesn't work, make a ban appeal. I heard it could be a hardware block from the game.
I've had similar issues in the past, while restarting the PC, true, is a viable option. (As some PC's are constantly Up, never fully shutdown.) There is also the matter of anti-virus, fire-walls, that come into questions. For example, Microsoft Security Essentials often perks up and instantly rejects MapleRoyals thinkin' it's a high risk Trojan. Though the usual solutions are the following; * Have you checked the anti-virus, firewalls? Most of the time, it's a matter of excluding the folder so it doesn't get removed. * Have you tried login with secondary account? That helps determine if the problem is indeed the account itself or just the PC. * Have you tried restarting your router/Disconnecting your Wifi? Sounds odd, but sometimes it works. * Have you tried to re-download the files? * Is it a PC issue? (High usage of ram, not cleaning cookies, etc) In my case, I've had a similar issue where the game would not start up. So, I let it slide. A month passed, I noticed that I've had multiple anti-viruses conflicting with each other. I removed one of them, and presto. Everything worked and I could play the game once more.