People who beg you to sell your map after you smega free map #stopmapselling When bishop and 2 attackers dc in ht, you keep on going and get no books, no weapons, 3 nx cards but bunch of elixirs
to me it is mildly annoying that multiclienting is allowed in this server. it's basically impossible to find a party because everyone has got HS mule. People don't seem to play only 1 character at a time like I do. as a result it's so hard to find in game friends and i always gotta level alone being a priest. this run from 110-120 is being hell on earth
another REALLY annoying thing that just happened for the 2nd time to me at mapleroyals (the 1st time player i can't remember his name and i didn't consider print screen, sry, i am new p[layer): a player named "zhanan" just said with smega that he was selling up to 7 hours of leech at petri. his price: 4apr/h for split leech (I am priest, but yes, it's my understandings o far that i have to buy leech since it's so hard to find a player who doesnt have the hs mule i mentioned in a previous post in this thread). I contacted him afetr his smega an said "buy leech - i will count my apr, please give me 5 minutes" and he said "ok". when i returned from buying apr in CS he said "have buyer". I am not happy with this. Do you think his attitude is acceptable or am I whining too much??
Honestly 5 mins is along time. During peak hours when you a Smega s< leech ,you get bombarded with responses. When you told him to wait a second you were going to check, it should have taken 30 seconds not 5 minutes. And when you responded you only had enough for 3 hours? As a seller I’m going to leech the guy who will go 7 straight hours instead of doing 3 finding another buyer(s) for the rest...And he recognized your frustration and even offered to buy your aprs... also being confrontational/ upset with other players NEVER solves a problem
People who see me in voodoos maps but still check mapowner. Are you going to steal the map or what? If I see someone there I will just cc, they are there means they still need the map. It doesnt break any rule if you check mapowner and going to steal map like that, but it's not nice behavior.
i asked him to wait a few minutes because i was buying the apr. after i bought all the apr and return he says he has a buyer. he didn't fulfill his part of the deal. and no problem because i found a seller in the end. he said was gonna wait and didnt. this is the problem here imo.
When ppls standing at your fm spot, hiding behind and trying to steal the spot, from hour to hours, and not only 1 person lmao. It's just do annoying!!!
I don't know why I bother going to team based GM events anymore. I have a 90% lose ratio. That may actually deserve a post at latest accomplishment thread. It has to be an accomplishment to have a 50% chance and almost never win.
When server have 2000+ people online and I smega im joining anything at all, as a high lvl attacker and there's nothing going on
When people list the amount of hours someone has been hacking without being banned. I get it. They've been on for a while, but saying something like that isn't going to make me feel guilty about not having time to grab them that day.