Hi , i have some equips I am selling, i have no idea what any of them are worth, if you think you know a good range, please comment below the item and the range. Even if someone has already P/c’ed it, please give me your opinion, your idea of its range. Please be honest, and P/c as many as you would like/can if you would like to buy one of these items, please whisper me which item you are interested in, and I will tell you if i have enough P/c’s to sell it. If i do have enough P/c’s, ill post that item for what I think is fair, then give you the link to that items page. Thank You! —————————————————— ~Blackfist Cloak #1~ STATS: Req. LVL: 100 HP: +120 Weapon Attack: 3 Weapon Def: 35 Magic Def: 50 Slots: 4 ————————————————————— ~Blackfist Cloak #2~ STATS: Req LVL: 100 HP: +120 Weapon Attack: 3 Weapon Def: 42 Magic Def: 52 Slots: 3 —————————————————————— ~Ring Of Alchemist~ STATS: Req LVL: 10 STR: +2 DEX: +4 INT: +4 Slots: 0 ———————————————————— ~Rat Mouth~ STATS: Req LVL: 25 Dex: +8 Avoidability: +9 ————————————————————- ~Spectrum Goggles~ STATS: Req LVL: 70 Dex: +6 Slots: 0 —————————————————- ~Brown Studded Top~ STATS: Req LVL: 70 Req DEX: 110 Req LUK: 200 Dex: +9 Luk: +17 MP: +12 Weapon Def: 69 Avoidability: +8 Slots: 0 ——————————————————— ~Red Pirate Top~ STATS: Req LVL: 80 Req DEX: 120 Req LUK: 220 Dex: +5 Luk: +19 MP: +16 Weapon Def: 66 Avoidabilty: +2 Slots: 0 ———————————————————
(@Decentralized) you can find the item you are interested for sale in the following link) https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-specs-6dex-0acc-0slots-s-b-1-5b-a-w-2b.163406/