Closed Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal' started by Xstelias, Jun 17, 2020.

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  1. Xstelias

    Xstelias Member

    May 14, 2020
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    Your Character Names: Xstelias
    Last thing you did: Chatting & Afking in FM
    Why do you think you got banned?: Unsure
    Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an id that has been deleted or blocked from connection
    What GM banned you (optional): -
  2. Josh

    Josh Donator

    May 3, 2016
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    you're permanently banned for attempting to sell your items on an rwt site
  3. Xstelias

    Xstelias Member

    May 14, 2020
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    Ohhh nice. Same reason as Luvena that got banned earlier? Is that just an excuse to get me banned without any evidence? In what way can it be proven that the person on the rwt site is actually me? Before you apprehend someone to go to prison, you'll also have to provide sufficient evidence.
  4. Josh

    Josh Donator

    May 3, 2016
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    as with all other rwt cases, we make sure we have sufficiently conclusive evidence before proceeding with them. if the person appealing is able to make their case, we've always been ready to apologise and revert it. while we try to avoid false bans as much as possible, please understand that we're also susceptible to mistakes at times

    in this case, the information we have points to you. this has been verified by an Admin, and we have no obligation to show any of it to you. you're thinking way too highly of yourself if you think this is some sort of a personal vendetta against you

    so please try to cooperate and potentially prove that that rwt listing really wasn't yours. otherwise, i think there's nothing else for us to discuss here

    also, that appeal is completely irrelevant to this. since you brought it up though, Luvena subsequently tried lying to me via PM - do you intend to do the same?
  5. Xstelias

    Xstelias Member

    May 14, 2020
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    Well, the only reason I brought Luvena's case up because it was super hyped about that day when she got banned and I found my case a similar one based purely on the posts in the forums. I didn't and wouldn't know the inside details such as the PM, whatsoever, thus my apologies for bringing her case into the topic.

    As with regards to this case, let me reply to your reply in pointers;

    Point 1;
    "while we try to avoid false bans as much as possible, please understand that we're also susceptible to mistakes at times"
    - Definitely, we are all humans, we do make mistakes at times and it is totally understandable. I didn't directly neither indirectly put the blame onto any specific individual. I just want this to be cleared too as in the eyes of the law, no party is deemed guilty unless there is concrete evidence to prove otherwise. And I quote from Louis D. Brandeis, " If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable."

    Point 2;
    "in this case, the information we have points to you. this has been verified by an Admin"
    - Even if as per claimed, the evidence you and your team hold against me point's towards me, and even being verified by an admin. Let me politely ask a question back to you, your team and the admins. In what way, could you have prove that the items on the RWT site is mine, when the items has no names(igns) linked to it. Yes I get that all items have a specific code (For eg, Maple claw, spawns on command !item <itemid> <amount>). But in no way that can be linked to a specific character. Now let's put in another point of view, which is that you, your team and the admins, actually look at the stat's of a specific equipment. Can anyone be so sure that there is no 2 or more similar stats weapons that are in the server?

    Point 3;
    "you're thinking way too highly of yourself if you think this is some sort of a personal vendetta against you"
    - Sorry to make it seem that way, I may have been a little too rash and applied a little too much personal emotions due to the fact that I felt I was wrongfully banned. I get that all GM's, Admins have a code of conduct to follow, and I respect that.

    Lastly Point 4;
    "potentially prove that the rwt listing really wasn't yours"
    - What does this sentence, and I quote, "potentially prove that the rwt listing really wasn't yours" mean? May i assume that meaning is, "I'm suspected" which also means having an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something) without certain proof.

    Lastly, I want to discuss with you, or your team members nicely about this, and I do really want to know how do i clear myself out of this when i do not even know about this issue at all. I hope you can enlighten me with answers. Thank you Josh and team :)
  6. Josh

    Josh Donator

    May 3, 2016
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    unfortunately, your assumption is wrong. the adverb “potentially” was actually referring to your action of proving us wrong, not that our ban was made based on “potentially” contestable evidence

    in response to point no. 2, well, fortunately we have an extremely experienced Admin who handles these things, so rest assured that he has done the necessary homework before arriving at this conclusion

    we’re not suspecting; we’re confident that it was you because of the information included in the listing. so unless you’re able to somehow prove otherwise (e.g. an incredible story about how someone is out to frame you and get you banned from a game), i think we can end this appeal here
  7. Xstelias

    Xstelias Member

    May 14, 2020
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    My dear Josh, and to your team of "extremely experienced" admins,

    The moment you replied with this, the case is over due to the lack of justice and instead it became like a typical reply to slam the facts and logic with the power of you and your dear "experienced admins".

    So let me leave some last words of farewell, so that I hope maybe somehow you and your team might learn and hopefully eventually turn out as truely experienced admins, rather than just calling yourselves that.

    I quote these wise words from none other than Martin Luther King Jr. ;

    "Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think." (Which is to explain how you&your team will never listen to the facts people give and instead just deeming whatever you claim as evidence to be the rightful answer and to apply the power of the GM's straightly to the players)

    and another one from none other than the great Voltaire, in which I quote,

    "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." (I believe I am speaking about your so called, or as proclaimed, "experience admins" right here)

    Lastly, to the haters that have been hunting me down and trying to get me banned due to inferiority, I wish you none but the best in your future endeavours. The world is a small place. You may trick the eyes of the law, but you can never trick heaven and earth. Like what Our Heavenly Father taught us, "Matthew 5:38 You have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Romans 12:19 Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord" God bless everyone, and to all existing players or future players, fret not, Injustice may be here in this forum but Justice will prevail.

    With much love,
  8. Josh

    Josh Donator

    May 3, 2016
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    luckily for you, it’s gonna be phase 2 in a couple of days. please go out and get some sun because evidently you’re in desperate need of it

    all the best in your future endeavours, and please don’t ever come back to our server
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