Hello! I really like the ballon hunt quest but the only thing I find faulty or disadvantageous about the event is that any party with a long range(mainly gunslinger,hermit) will automatically have an upper hand. The only time I won a party which has a long range is either when my party has more long range, or when the opposite party has 1 afk. To make it an equal fight, is it possible to switch to melee weapons only? But good job on the events!! Happy Mapling!!!
Unfortunately, this isn't possible. However, we could look into the matchmaking system and try to evenly distribute ranged characters...
What about making the npc give you a weapon and the balloon and mobs can only be hit by that weapon? All other weapons will hit miss. Because even if it's ranged vs ranged, bowman has longer range than sins and they both have longer range than gunslingers. Not to mention the attack speed of claws being fast 4 and bow/gun being fast 5
Too bad, I liked the idea. Slight off topic question: I entered the quest without wearing a weapon yesterday and couldn’t equip one while being inside, is it supposed to be the way? We’ve had a laugh about it as we were matchmade in a 1v1 (bug?) and I’ve learned my lesson immediately, so it turned out in a funny way :’)
This is being fixed in the next server check, however this issue will require the optional new setup we will be releasing alongside the SC.
First question, 1v1 is intended if there are not enough players for 3v3's for everyone. It goes to 2v2 and 1v1 and finally 1v0.
@Matt In Christmas event (Snowman) , you could wear only a glove to throw snowballs and if you disequip it you would die instantly. I thought, could you implement something similar to this?
That works by making you die if you don't equip the mittens (like how GPQ makes you die if you unequip the earrings), this would require a fair bit of reworking of the PQ and a patch.
Yeah, lost because NL attacking mobs is too OP. Got triple caked with 1 enemy NL attacking mobs. Ridiculous.
My opinion: you should consider it. The disadvantage between melee and ranged is ridiculous, to the point where if a party is full melee and the other have 1 ranged, its almost certain the ranged party will win. If you dont believe, make a fast poll here, and check what other players think. Im one willing to wait a 3 hour patch, and be 3v3 melee.
I'm not disputing that, and I did give an alternative idea for a solution in my first post in this thread too.
i have a question about ballon hunt too: How come the loser team can loot Winners box reward? when the game ends , the loser team stays in the map for 2 second before they get wrapped out, the box drops for winner as soon as game ends, i see the loser teams just stands at middle and loot it the second it drops...
That shouldn't be possible, and I've never seen it in any of the runs I've done. Please make a bug report with recording if possible.
Hmmm I've tried looting it after losing (Don't judge ). It doesn't let you pick up. It's like the balloon was a monster and so the party that killed it gets to loot the drops.
I had issues with range attkers ks-ing the mobs, then couldn't loot the drops and we got caked 4 times in that period. It was just so bad that we couldn't even cake the opponent even once in the whole pq. My suggestion would be something like how carnival pq mobs is done. Each side has their own sets of mobs that they can hit so at least we can get our own drops to loot.
It's really unplayable when enemy has 1 more range than your team has, and the range literally just mobs. I spend 5 min in ballonhunt as a cake. But yes lately, the matchmaking has been more stable.
talk about 1 range? we were 3 bishops vs 3 NL.. how do you think that end? i came out of the pq as a fluffy cake! and im sure when i login tomorrow i will still be a cake
Update: I went a game (Marksman (me), BS, hero x BS, BS and DrK). I caked the enemy team 2x, while they only did it once (with 3 extra charges). So... Look, the BaloonPQ is awesome, being one of the best ideas this server ever came with. Its fun, challenging, and yeah - it demands some strategie. But ranged is broken killing mobs, NLs are the best killing both baloon and mobs, mages suffer, and the best melee weapons are polearm and spear.