So today's run is a no-go, too many problems going on for it to get going in time. @Plenty @Sila @Stan @Manslut @Highrises Run tomorrow, 10-11 PM server time (5-6PM EST, 2-3PM PST), some of you already know, some don't. Gimme a headsup if you're good to go or not, please. Maybe we can do two runs.
I'm currently on a break from the game. I've got a lot on my hands right now with school and life. Aiming to be back during my winter break when things slow down though~ Sorry Marty!
Had a 70% shadower run today with @carcrash @2PACALYPSE and @nickkmurks. I was a looter. It was pretty sweet.
We often take 1 NL and 1 Bishop for top arm/HS. Buddy me in-game, I'll be organising a run soon enough. If you have Skype, PM me it so I can add you to the skype group.
Okay, hoping to hold a revival run of these. Atm I have DomoLovesPie SgtYellow @Manslut @Stan @Highrises @Bizqnation @mooggen55 @Vatsug @carcrash ? @Narutard wanna bish?
I can try to be your Nl depending on my own timers and if my duo partner doesn't have any planned. just let me know.