IGN: Eldland Problem: Pickpocket zakum = no drops Details: hi my zakum partner was using pickpocket at zakum body 3 and it ended up not giving us any loot and exp, could we get a refund on our loots and exp? Thanks Read some post and found a similar posts stating the same issue which we weren't aware about. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/zak-didnt-drop-anything-after-killing-it.120984/ https://royals.ms/forum/threads/zak-doesnt-give-exp-or-drops-occasionally.116830/
Unfortunately it wasn't pickpocket, it was the meso explosion glitch. If mesos don't disappear when you are using meso explosion then it is glitched, and monsters killed with the final blow of this glitch will not drop anything. That is also something we do not refund, I'm sorry.
it died from meso explosion via pick pocket, it was a lot of coins hard to see if it was even being consumed, he didnt manually drop mesos though
I was told by an Admin it’s not refundable, at most we can refund the person who dropped the eof and that’s really it I believe.
Server has a glitch that hasn't been fixed for years and doesn't have a public warning/announcement posted....."not refundable". Seems totally fair and reasonable.
I’m literally just the messenger. I’m not an admin, I do what I’m told so idk why you want to start this here. If you feel more should be done then voice your opinions in a feedback post. I’ve mentioned it before in the past and nothing came of it so my only request for you is to voice about it elsewhere please.
We have In the past put occasional notices up regarding this, and it’s become common knowledge for the most part. But we will look into doing more regular notices about it if that’s actually not the case.
I didn't quote you, speak to you, or call you an admin. Occasional (temporary) notices clearly do not suffice. The onus is not on us players to find out about unfixed glitches on our own. For fairness sake it needs to be able to be seen by every player new and old until it is fixed. Think: permanently on the top notice bar, a pop up when you log in, an announcement thread on the forums. It'll be so damn annoying, and I don't want to see it, but that's what it takes if you're unwilling to compensate those who are impacted by it and it is going to remain unfixed. It's unfair otherwise. Solutions: 1. Fix the glitch or 2. Compensate those impacted by the glitch or 3. Make everybody fully aware of the glitch - this includes new players, old players, future players, players who play daily, players who seldomly play, players who return from break, e v e r y player. I know that somebody will make the foolish comment of "almost everybody knows!!! these people are the rare exception!!!", and that doesn't matter, them being the outlier doesn't mean that it is acceptable for them to get screwed over for something entirely out of their control.
These are great suggestions. Perhaps you should make a feedback like I stated so it’ll get noticed and be discussed more.