Separate names with a comma.
Sobbing in c3 and an abused wallet :'( [SPOILER]
As someone who sits afk in the fm 90% of the time, witnessing these drop rates is really demotivating. This is the one event I was looking...
[ATTACH] 2.4 is going to be a long patch :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(
Mihoyo why are bringing geo grandpa back this early :'(
bump.... :'(:'(:'(:'( 1+ year of being disappointed after every dash to bigheadward after updates Also +1 for [ATTACH] Item ID: 48020 | 48350...
If this were an advertisement for my guild, would you join?? :3 [ATTACH] [SPOILER]
thoughts and prayers brudda 0:)
Hello!! C: Thanks for applying! Please tell us when you are usually online so one of our juniors can add you or come find us in Ch 17 FM :)
how long until even the shell i've reduced to fades..
[ATTACH] leave ign or pm in-game if interested :o ign: NotJen active: ~2 hours before reset - 5 hours after reset
Hi ! Thanks for applying :) Please find one of guild leader or juniors in game to be added! Our active hours typically begin after server reset...
Come home you stimker
[ATTACH] Welcome! We are looking to expand our family and find new (and old faces) Come through if you're friendly, helpful, and/or looking to...
Player IGN: PoItergiest (Poitergeist) Category: solo Title: Prime haunting grounds [ATTACH]
Your IGN: NotJen Name of Chair: The Monster Orgy - name creds: Luneur Concept of my chair (optional): Tribute to my fave pq c: (May or may not...
NotJen thanks for event OreStore and Awrene
[ATTACH] S/B 1.2B A/W 1.6B CH 17 FM 5
Item ID: 47080 Item name: Piecey Locks Hair Version: GMS 209.2.0 Type: Hair [IMG]
[MEDIA] Where all my luck went after a failed gach run. Scrolled with 5 10% 2h sword for att. Really tempted to 30% :'))) (Not that I really have...