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Vote abuse>get caught>beg for a chance to play again>get denied> pull the haha the server sucks anyway card bruh
very epic thx bro big kissy
great idea split people up even more
And this would be a problem in henesys hunting ground 3 where no one will ever spot the abusers? In maps where this is an even slightly relevant...
Am I missing something here? If you afk you lose ownership. Set very basic rules to this, if you break them or abuse them ( which is gonna be...
What if you're not allowed to sell maps? Woulnd't look out of the ordinary in the ridiculous ToS
I think less channels would be great, I personally absolutely hate how everything in a "nostalgic" server is being min-maxed. Any map that isnt...
Hi im new here would u care to help me with spare items you dont need?
What I don't understand is how so many people seem to break TOS, take a look at 3rd party websites. The amount of attention they get is insane....
Ancient researchers believed saying "uwu" was the most common symptom in many mental illnesses
Quit for 2 years and vote
Hey, i've tried figuring out how many hours of leech it would take approximately to get from 65 to 85. Though the results I get from doing that... Gives you a skill to scroll items you cant equip,...
After my tanning injections I look like Mr Krabs for 30minutes afterwards, no matter how many times I explain that its nothing bad people make a...
As a kid someone scammed me out of my nx skull t-shirt. He offered me a nightfox helm but I had to trade it in NX trade first and he just ran....
200-250$ for bulk 100$ for suicide cut help
Hi, when I try to add an image as my signature it just shows a broken image. Tried pasting an imgur link blank in there, and using the "image"...
If the n word is bannable saying uwu should be bannable too
Heya, I play mapleroyals on another computer using Parsec. Thing is, My maple has black bars on the side when I play in fullscreen mode. On the...
When you find out someone you thought was cool and got pretty close to actually watches anime
Hi, I wanted to wash a DK. But I don't plan on taking the game too seriously. Dont have any set HP goal i'd just like to have more for berserk....
Saying "fuck" on mapleroyals : )