Hi thanks for fast reply I have done so for the forum account buy I cant access my account via the website it keeps saying my pic is wrong(either...
All Your Character Names:Erisae,Pantience Last thing you did:Don't remember it's been months I found out when I logged in to website to check my...
Screw mages Heres how to get funded vote for a year>gach>chaos>profit?
Hi I would like to know all the possible ways to get extra HP so i can save my poor mesos :3 Right now all I can think about is the following: -HP...
[ATTACH] Anyone know what this is for? On a side note was it always so hard to get mini pianus? I killed like 10 pianus across 2 weeks before i...
a/w fs ign elisae pm me pls~f2 Unable to buy from your shop...
Try to keep your level at 130 and not any higher*(till you are sure you can 1 hit skele at 150) You can sell gallopera/low level leech at 130 with...
P/C morningstar? ~f6
Hi can I get a set of red rose label ring if it's still available? ign:Elisae
how many 2h bw ATT?
[ATTACH] 1:5 pm elisae ingame or L/O here ~f2
I agree i've met people with literally 3-4 lv 200s.... They basically have nothing to do other than level every job to 200 lol......
https://ezgif.com/resize/ezgif-3-adb900f16a72.gif you can try a smaller size i guess? i used 180x180
650m ign elisae
Hi can pm ingame ign Elisae
sorry splurged on a blackfist cloak recently
why u +1m LOL 40m broomstick~f1
broomstick 35m ign elisae
Ok i'll try to sell my apples tonight for the 3b s/b ~f18
Hi would like to s/b with 2b and 95 apples if possible :3
Offer me :3
[ATTACH] s/b 200m a/w 250m
10m for broomstick
Separate names with a comma.