I wonder also....
This needs to be updated. I no longer look like that f3
nerds. >;(
1. Name, class, level, timezone you live in: discreet 2. Tell us a fun fact about yourself: i'm fun 3. How long have you been playing MapleStory?...
:(( I wasn't even afk. LOL
[IMG] Dear KissMyAsssss, We could have been friends, but that was rude. Now I don't like you. >;( Sincerely, someone you randomly defamed
didnt know you were offering 250,000,001. F3
B> all your 30% dagger att scrolls & 105+ att CLEAN double gold knife reply here or pm in game: discreet TYTY<3
hi thanks for applying! unfortunately you do not meet the level requirement or timezone preference. we do not want you to feel left out since...
80m red festive gumball
welcome!! we sent you an inv ingame but I think you were afk :O Just msg one of the leaders when you're on for an inv!
i can't get pass login page. tried all troubleshooting here. halp.
40m red festive gumball
message one of the leaders when you're ingame :)
welcome :) if you're in game right now, whisp indiscrete to join!
Rip chickens. message me when in game @ discreet :) YEEEE CANADA REP Slimes don't exist in farms f3. message me when in game @ discreet :) YEEEE...
farm es muy bueno. message me when in game @ discreet :) YEEEE CANADA REP
message me when in game @ discreet :) YEEEE CANADA REP
welcome to guild :)
welcome to guild :) please whisp any of the leaders when you're on.
fuq apq. i'm waiting for you to come zak with us :)
gtfo f3 see you in guild :)
Name: Amy In-Game Name: FishMarket Level/Job: 1 Beginner How Active (1-10): 10000 Discord? (Yes/No): Skype If you could be a POTATO, what kind...
Separate names with a comma.