I see you too are a seducer of many women. I await this game-breaking autobiography
haha i typically dont like showing off but here's mine! granted tech might be a few years old but it was top of the line back then!! no hate xx...
Question #12 why are you not born 9 months old?
haha bro, i told her my range and my level. nothing makes a female more moist than hearing about my 3.1k clean range PRE-BB srs
700m 23tma
i'll offer 300m for one
i'll offer 270m for one of the 6int 10m.atk 3 slot earrings
i shall offer u a juicy 30 million mesos for your YSS : )
what's the a/w for the lama staff?
Ign: Reptard Problem: Voted but didn't get NX Detail: I went through the normal procedure to vote but I didn't get any NX. This was on my newly...
interested in the red ragged cape. my ign is reptard/azzmonster
200m for 18int sauna and what's the a/w for the ywg?
Ill buy WS leech! When are you on tomorrow? My ign is AzzMonster
Yee sure. The shield ma sounds good. Would u do 10m for the overall int?
10% scrolls: 2H Axe ATT 22x Overall Dex 7x Staff M.ATT 24x Overall Int 3x Shield M.ATT 5x Shield ATT 6x Earring Int 2x Helm Int 30% scrolls Wand...
i think i have 1 or 2 spear 30%. does 8m sound good? im going by this...
i will modestly give you an offer of 100m for a deputy star....LOL :X
ign: AzzMonster. I got the NX saved up so when we're able to trade cs items, im down to do it
im here to be salty. i got 200m saved F2
The other announcement is Helin, not Hellin. There's only one l and not two l's lol
yeee i still got one left. what's ur ign so i can add u? ill be on later 2nite
bamp bamp bamp
Ign: Gogeta207587, Gogeta1337, Illblast, 3rdprototype job: fighter, hermit, paladin, mechanic world: scania server: gms its lit fam
what's your ign? Mine's Azzmonster and i'm online rn
14luk yellow adventurer cape - 50m obo? shoot me a pm/comment if youre interested : )
Separate names with a comma.