Separate names with a comma.
Stonetooth 106 at clean rat mouth 5 int 9 slots bathrobs - 70 mil Deputy star - 115mil Pretty simple, feel free to leave offers for...
[IMG] [IMG] Thanks guys!
First of all I would suggest these guides:
No official rules about looting someone's items. When a player kills a mob, other players can't pick up the drops for a short period. I assume if...
Can't think of an a/w , so I assume I'll die waiting for a good offer
Nooooooooo you scammer
Thanks Plenty :)
[IMG] That moment you root for your speed test to do its best :o Damn, I feel poor and under-priviledged :(
[MEDIA] Kill me and I'll be back!
Wassuppp [IMG] Thanks :)
This cracka lackin black tube! 4 30% scrolls worked! No a/w :)
Hi everyone! Already been to this server for about a month but still felt like making an introduction :) Name's Shay, 20 y/o from...
Okkkkkkk ty D:
Okkkk, and what would be the second best ? Since I can't do Horn tail :)
Helloooo Thinking about buying a deputy star but apparentley there are other choices for a pendat. Can anyone tell me what's the best pendant for...
יווו אנשים לפחות תגידו איפה אתם משרתים שיהיה ברור מה הרמה פה
צעיר חצוף כל מי שבצבא, איפה אתם משרתים? נפקדות זה לחלשים
קישטה פושטק
שמתי לב שכל הקהילה הישראלית כאן משחקת גם באמצע שבוע ולא רק בסופ"שים, אז השאלה היא האם יש כאן גם חיילים? ~imboss < - חיילים כאלו יכולים שלא להגיב
Good enough, thanks !
Hello :) I recentley started training at GS and apparentley ~mapowner is a real thing, yet there are official written rules in-game or on the...
OH yeah you're right, I didn't even notice I posted this in the Selling section.. my bad :confused: Thanks for the reply.
It has nothing on Shield Str 60% So your comment is not very helpful.
Sup Cape int 30% Shield str 60% Thanks D: