(checks out Genins) More exp than but less hp than evil eye? Heck yes! I've never even heard of these guys as an option. I guess whenever I...
That's good advice for when I'm third job, but I meant more as second job (hunter in this case) and to an extent archer. I've kind of decided to...
Just checking. Trying to level a future bowmaster and I'm struggling pretty badly.
If your girlfriend lives with you then also be sure to apply for the white list so that both of you can vote without getting in trouble.
I'm getting flashbacks to that time I joined a brand new server with no knowledge of how much anything was there when I got an elemental wand in a...
Not worried about slots just yet so consider this a 'all slots are used' price check -Bathrobe W +10 int -Single earring +5 int -Yellow Work...
I can hold down ALT END though, so it's kinda odd...I tried disabling sticky keys, but this doesn't seem to work. On Windows 10, and can provide...
Which is better income in the long run, gacha or AP resets?
I think I remember where truckers are....Singapore, right? I forget what MP3 is though. Thanks!
I'm currently not worried about levelling so much as trying to fund my lukless I/L wizard I'm reviving, as it seems like she needs slightly better...
Yup. Tried the two compatibility modes suggested, Windows 98/me and Windows XP pack 3, and ran as admin on both.
Alright, I was able to find out through Google, but uh...turns out that wasn't the problem. My video driver is as up to date as it can get...
I think I just need to update my graphics driver but I can't figure out how to even find the graphic card settings on my computer.... It's a...
Earlier you mentioned a server check error. Is that still the case? If so I had that exact issue a few moments ago when I tried to open the...
Hellosh. I'm getting the hang of everything pretty quickly just by looking at the guides and asking in the shoutbox myself. Though I DO have some...
Closing temporarily cuz I'd rather just have a selling thread soon. Current items as of 3/7/2016 Red Starlight (male) 10 int 7 luk wdef 40...
Ya know, I'm more inspired to continue my I/L Wizard now, thx. Especially now that I found a cheap 'better than what I have' int bathrobe on her....
Job hunting! I've always had alt issues in games, but since MS pre-bb is the kinda game where it's best to concentrate on one character at a time...
I see a lot of stuff being categorized as worthless when asked how much they're worth. As a newbie who could use even a tiny bit more mesos does...
Good to know this, thank you.
As a newbie to the server I'm once again confused by proper map etiquette. I was told that if you enter a map and want to make sure it really is...
Good to know that what's happening is normal. I can get them now, just had to level a bit and up magic claw.
I have JUST hit 15 as a luckless magician probably going I/L and according to the guide I'm supposed to be fighting bubblings. However, my spells...
Thank you for the information. Are clerics wanted for PQs even though from what I've read everyone and their mother plays a cleric?
Separate names with a comma.